King Edward Debating Society Presents KEMPhonasthesia 2011 - Rules and Regulations.

  1. Impromptu Speaking
  2. Reading
  3. Monologue
  4. Spelling Bee

General Rules:
(i) Participants should register to his/her class KEDS representative before 6th of june . They can register in all four categories .
(ii) Each contestant shall introduce his/herself by mentioning the name and class at the beginning of speech .
(iii) Any  vulgar, disgraceful or personal remarks will be penalized. However participant can speak in humorous style and quotes and will be encouraged.
(v) Each participant shall bring his/her own writing utensils  ( Pen, pencil, Ball point , Marker ) .
(iv) Judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are final.
1. Impromptu speaking rules :
(i) Each contestant shall be given the topic at the spot. He will choose from the box .
(ii)The speech must be original to the student and must be developed during the round. No pre-written or memorized speeches are allowed.
(iii) The topic chosen will be final
(iv) Each participant will be given 3 mins for preparation.
(v) Each participant will be given a paper to write outline or main points of his speech and use of notes is optional .
(vi) Each participant shall speak for maximum of 3 min .
2. Reading contest :
(i) Each contestant will choose from the box the writings which can be poetry, paragraph , short story, news or citation .
(ii) Participants reading style, pronunciation and manner will be noted.
(iii) Participant shall read from the paper given and no added remarks will be allowed .
3. Monologue :
(i) Each participant will prepare his/her own monologue .
(i) Each participant will cite the reference of monologue in the introduction.
(iii) Each Participant will be given maximum of 3 mins .
(iv) Material gathered can be from plays , movies or participants own personal experience , idea or situation .
(V) paper reading will not be allowed .
4. Medical Spelling Bee :
(i) there are two parts .
(a) In part 1 the contestant will hear a medical word and will spell it correctly .
(b) in Part 2 an image will be shown . The contestant will have to guess  it and then spell it
(ii) Only one attempt of spelling the word will be given . Speller can retrace in middle but previous order cannot be changed.
(iii)The speller will listen carefully to the pronouncer and can ask for the word to be repeated if necessary.
(iv) If the correct spelling was given, the speller will remain in the contest.If incorrect, the speller will be given one more chance, after that speller will be eliminated .
(v) If contestant can define or explain the word extra credit will be given .
(vi) Contestant can ask the definition or use of the word asked , however extra credit will be lost but no negative marking will be given.

This is the most important rule of all. Please have fun and relax, whether
you’re a participant or a spectator.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bello!!! i must say KEDS has some real interesting episodes queued up! awesomee! :)


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