3rd Year Pharmacology Past Papers 2012

By Farkhanda Qaiser
4th Year

At the end of last year, when I asked my class fellows, how would they describe 3rd year? Most of the people answered, Pharma, pharma and pharma…! Well I don’t mean to scare you but pharmacology really is one of the scariest subjects that I’ve encountered so far. And it did take up most of our time too (8 class tests, one test every month…!) However, it’s very interesting once you get the hang of it.

There are various ways of learning pharmacology. Some people make up mnemonics (a few are available on kemunited too), others make their own notes and tables (the summary tables at the end of every chapter in mini katzung are very helpful too, if you have less time). But at any cost, you’ve got to study because this is one subject in which you can’t pass without some solid effort. Even class tests are very difficult to pass due to the strict marking by the Pharmacology department. So my advice, start studying atleast one week before the class test. Stick to one text book throughout the year. For most people, its mini katzung. But some also study from Lippin cott. Both are successful in final prof. It basically depends on your personal choice and comfort level with the layout of the books. (Mini katzung is very brief. And Lippin cott is more descriptive). However for every  chapter, there are some topics that need to be done from other books like Big Katzung and Cheema (yes that little red book). So for that, simply text your seniors to get the specific guidelines before every test. I'd be mentioning these for the upcoming test (Respiratory system, GIT and blood) at the end of this blog 

 Following are the class tests of last year. They’d highlight important topics from every chapter but obviously questions are changed every year :p

General Pharmacology

Respiratory system and GIT

Blood, diuretics, autocoids

CVS and Endocrine
Pharmacy Practical Test
Sendups 2012

Annual Examination 2012

Guidelines for the class test on Respo, GIT and Blood:
Do the topic of blood entirely from lippin cott.
Respiratory system from Mini Katzung. Also expectorants, mucolytics and antitussives from Cheema.
GIT from Mini Katzung. Also, acid peptic disease, domperidone and metoclopramide from Big Katzung. Antiemetics from lippin cott. 

Hope this is of some help... 
Signing off for now...


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