FCPS Part-I in ''Medicine & Allied Specialties'' --- The Study Guidelines - FCPS medicine preparation

FCPS Part-I in ''Medicine & Allied Specialties'' --- The Study Guidelines
by Dr. Muhammad Tauseef Omer
FCPS-II Resident Paeds., Medicine.

(Updated March,2018)

(for the purpose of addition of updates from time to time , the guidelines and preparation tips are available at author's own page , Click here to continue.)

FCPS Part-I in ''Medicine & Allied Specialties'' --- The Study Guidelines - FCPS medicine preparation
FCPS preparation
FCPS Medicine
FCPS Paediatrics
Medicine and Allied FCPS Preparation
FCPS Medicine Books


  1. Tauseef bhai, this is an amazing guide! We really needed a comprehensive guide and material for FCPS. Thanks for taking the time out and writing this. This covers every thing!

  2. thank you very much, i find it very informative, thanks again for the effort

  3. Well done tauseef both on writing such a comprehensive article and on getting through your fcps 1 exam! Allah be with you brother :) by the by I am going to be a beneficiary too! JazakAllah

  4. Welcome :p
    Kaisa rha exam... !

    & We miss you a lot here at kemu/mayo.

  5. never took the exam :p busy being a wife and the mother to a v cute baby boy right now :D

  6. Hi ! Congratulations on passing your exam. I plan on giving part 1 in July InshAllah. I hope i do well. I'm already scared :(

  7. You've skipped mentioning Head n Neck region in Anatomy. Aren't we supposed to do it?

  8. No. Head and neck is covered in Neuroanatomy that i advised you do from First Aid.
    Details of head and neck are not needed in medicine and allied fcps.

  9. Your detailed review is very very helpful for new graduates... Kindly tell whr does the difference lies in candidates pursuing part 1 in surgery & allied... Jazakallah

  10. For surgery , they have to do detailed anatomy.
    I saw drs reading Snells Anatomy for surgery !
    The fatter version ! not the snell review !
    In medicine, my experience is that Physiology is given weightage by CPSP, but in surgery , you have to do anatomy by heart. ! I also assume that, the simpler/easier the mcq, the more damage it will cause to your result if you put wrong answer to that ! I may be thought that harder mcqs have more marks, but i didnt feel that. Those who had harder mcqs correctly answered but , answered the easier ones wrongly, they could nto clear. We dont know the weightage system of CPSP exams(like most of the international exams)........i advise that you search in kemunited for FCPS surgery guide.


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