KemComics Fiesta 2014

KAPS - Kemcolians' Arts & Photography Society
KemUnited - Kemcolians United
the official student blog of King Edward Medical University

KemComics Fiesta 2014
“Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure”

1st Intercollegiate Comics Competition

Lo and behold !
KemUnited, the phenomenon that it is, in collaboration with one of the most versatile societies of KEMU, KAPSKemcolians' Arts & Photography Society, presents the first ever Intercollegiate Comics Competition !
Starting with a few humble declarations, KemUnited has been a pioneer blog with regards to many aspects. From guiding juniors and graduates alike to compiling a very helpful collection of medicine knowledge, various articles ranging from personal experiences to other guidelines as well as past papers, it is surely one of the most popular medicine/university blog around. 10k+ fb followers and growing, speaks for itself ! Not solely catering to geeks KemUnited maintains a nice balance between the nerdy and the lighter side of life. And this event, previously held within the university only, aims to focus on the hilarity and the creativity the field of medicine and the 'chosen ones' hold.

No, no you need to stay focused for the interesting bit!
What do you have to do?

Make a comic depicting the 
Theme: Medical Life
and email it to 
Voting will commence on 
2nd May , 2014 
on KemUnited facebook page 
Voting will end on 
8th May, 2014 (12 am)
Final results will be announced soon after that. 

Yes ! Yes ! You do !
The winner will get shield or a fantastic gift hamper 
and an invite to the biggest event of KEMU !
The KAPS King Edward Film Festival 

Rules and instructions:
  • A person can submit multiple entries.
  • The contest is open to all institutes (medical or non-medical)
  • Photos will be judged on the following criteria: 
    • 50%: By Judges based on creativity, humor and composing/editing quality.
    • 50%: The number of "Likes" the comic gets on KemUnited facebook page
  • The entry can be computer generated e.g meme/comic/cartoon strip or hand drawn. 
  • The text on the comic may be in English / Urdu or both.
  • The idea should be unique, not copied from the internet. Plagiarized material will be rejected 
  • Comic/meme should be relevant to the theme.
  • The organizers of the competition reserve the right to reject any entry found to be offensive
  • Dont add any watermark/name on the pic.
  • Email to the above mentioned email id for any queries, complaints or comments.
3rd Interclass Comics Competition

This contest is open to Kemcolians only.
  • Same rules apply.
  • A person can submit multiple entries.
  • Make comics depicting the theme 'Medical Life' and send them to with your complete name and class.
  • The entry can be computer generated e.g meme/comic/cartoon strip or hand drawn. 
  • The text on the comic may be in English / Urdu or both.
  • Dont add any watermark/name on the pic.
  • The idea should be unique, not copied from the internet. Plagiarized material will be rejected.
  • Comic/meme should be relevant to the theme.
  • The organizers of the competition reserve the right to reject any entry found to be offensive
  • The entries will be uploaded on KemUnited facebook page in order of submission.
  • Photos will be judged on the following criteria: 
    • 50%: By Judges based on creativity, humor and composing/editing quality.
    • 50%: The number of "Likes" the comic gets on KemUnited facebook page
  • The winner will be presented the shield on KAPS King edward Film Festival.
For Samples:

Click on the following links and check out our famous albums
KemComics album
1st Interclass Kemcomics Fiesta
2nd Interclass KemComics Fiesta 


“Don't let the muggles get you down.” ;)

Start away!!

Best of luck!! :D


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