A Letter to Short Video makers in KEMU.

(This writing concerns the inter-class part of the Film Festival 2014 in K.E.M.U)

The Short Video Makers,
Crème de la crème,

Dear Kemcolians,
          I have a few words to share with you, the video makers in KEMU. Let me begin by telling you a little from my memory at KEMU.

Year 2007.
In the den of Kings & Queens, a competition was held ,
for the first time in the history of any Medical college in Pakistan,
for the first time in the history of any Engineering university in Pakistan,
It was-
Inter-Class Short Video Competition with Music Show, in (old) auditorium of KEMU.
Few arts colleges in Lahore and Karachi had organized such video competitions till that year. But not with the same enthusiasm, as kemcolians did it.
It was a shocking news for media personnel, with newspapers stating "Video Competition is held at KEMU, and the moment of surprise is that the videos have been made and edited by medical students themselves".
It was a moment of surprise for the newspaper editors.
But not for us .
For we, the Kemcolians, have always been the first ones; as doctors to treat the Hindus and Muslims injured in clashes before partition, to treat the injured Mahajirins in the year 1947 .  WE the Kemcolians, were the first ones from subcontinent to join the British Army in 1880s, and later Pakistan Armed Forces before any army medical college was established. We were the first ones among all the medical and engineering colleges to host All Pakistan Arts & Photography exhibitions.
 KEMU , established in 1860, was a distinguished medical school since its beginning, and Kemcolians have always done specials to keep it distinguished.
You, dear juniors, the kemcolians, with cameras and video editing softwares, are special and distinguished.

 The Evolution of video competition over years......
Being a Part of KEMU Class of 2006-2011, I am a witness to all the video competitions organized at KEMU through years. As video making evolved across the globe, the Kemcolians polished their skills, keeping pace with the evolution. Taking start with a DV camera, with exceptional Stage acting skills, it was Ali Jon and his friends who made the most memorable video, titled My Memoirs, the winner of the first video competition in KEMU-2007. The videos that I’ll mention n cherish here must be searched and watched, for they not just amuse you, but relate well the milestones achieved by the pioneers of video making at KEMU.
“My Memoirs” won many prizes and brought extreme fame for the kemcolians, and extremes of inspiration for younger kemcolians to SHOOT and EDIT more videos! 
"It's My Life"  a larynx burning comedy, stood 2nd in the same competition. It was the era of Ulead Video Editor which was basic, but the execution of the concept through a DV HandyCam and basic working environment of Ulead Video Editor was extraordinary .While the students of other medical colleges in Pakistan were taking naps with B.D Churasia on their faces and brainless skulls sharing their pillows, Kemcolians took the time out of their routines and a video titled "Lahore Lahore Ay"  was shot...a fast-flowing video giving giggles n jiggles to the audience …
In the same year "Questions"  by KE Monsterz was a brilliant idea….surely a rib tickling one.
"Cruel Intentions" by Jogi Group- A comedy that gave abdominal cramps to the audience in the hall ……Perhaps it was this video that stimulated the script writers to write comedy properly before they go and shoot it….. This video had a beautifully weaved script, an excellent message for the audience and remained very popular among the comedy lovers.
"U Turn"….was one good movie too….very tricky, very witty!
"AAG" by the KNIGHTS Production(Rizwan Khan & Omer Altaf)- the SUPERNOVA of that time...Its editing was the first of its kind in KEMU video making chronology, and rocked not just the home audience but astonished the video makers at other universities and hit the top shelf at many inter-institute events.
"Hum Sb Hain Dhani" by Pappu Yar Productions was a nice soft comedy....
--------------------" SHOLA JUTT " by Altapete Productions -----It was Abdullah Gujar who gave a new perspective to video making in KEMU... both in editing and in cinematography....SHOLA JUTT stood 4th in the video competition….Perhaps it was because that this video lost the competition, film makers stopped to even think about making comedy stating “it never wins”…It was a big loss and since then the happening n lively screen at KEMU could hardly see any comedy….. In the same year, "Incomplete" by Rizwan Khan boomed the screens of KEMU ! Its editing, cinematography and story line had great impact on what was made in the next year.... All cameras changed to HD pixels.... Most of the video editors opted for Adobe Creative Suite instead of the old Ulead Video Editor.....& so training lectures by Lynda for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects were downloaded by many….
2010 was the Year , when the very first animation was made, by no one else, but Mehroo Bakhtawar , president KAPS 2013.... This animation, the Winner in competition was titled " The Silver Lining"...
Mehroo furnished her animation making skills and her next animation was the 'Jaann' of the video competition in 2011...this next animation was titled "Resident Evil" a gut tingling video comic.....It is a must watch ….see how it shows lives of kemcolians and makes you laugh along!
Here came a video to the Screen of KEMU , Qabar say Mazar tak.... that grabbed 1st prize.... Enriched with patriotism , the video was declared best as it grasped maximum attention of both judges and the audience.
Three videos in the same year were made with very keen focus on script and editing.... and these were"MIRAGE " ..... "To make a rose bleed"  by Audible Thoughts productions ( Zuraiz and Team).... ....and "Ishq e lahasil"  by MAZ-QAS Productions(Mazhar and Qasim)....Maz-Qas & Zuraiz used HD camera , wrote excellent script, worked in Adobe Creative Suite-4 , took 1080HD outputs of their videos ...but it was to the amazement of whole audience that neither of these two videos won.....MIRAGE by Usama and team was a video,the first in its kind that is , perhaps , still influencing many script writers in KEMU.
A soft, meaningful video "Pursuit Of Happiness" by HumKhayal Production (Junaid Alvi and team) could not win but I presume it affected many of those who had seen it and wrote scripts in the coming years.
"Teen Minute".....enriched with realistic effects, exceptional script won at multiple stages....had tuff competition with "As If I am not Human".........Judging between these two videos in the year 2013 was a tuff job! Both the videos won at multiple levels…..
The purpose of all this memorization is to show to you the most prominent video titles by kemcolians so that as I place the videos from the competition of 2014 to the timeline of my thoughts , I have examples to refer to.
“Mera Vehya kab howay ga” could not win. But I, and  perhaps many of you remember its title…The same team made “Super Masti” this year ! The only comedy ! Though it could not win, but it shows how lively is the team who conceived this idea and put it onto the timeline ! While everyone in the hall was silent n near puking to see the BLOOD SHED, GUNS n KNIVES in the videos , this savior video assured us “the audience can laugh too” !!
It was heavenly to find a comedy on the screen. I give a big applause to the team for making this short video ….Atleast you brought the “stabbed, shot n poisoned” audience n judges back to life !

Video competition 2014 was a big success with awesome Stage Décor, The best music performances ever seen and videos with heavy effort put to make them,But…
Too many knives,
Too many GUNS,
Such bloodshed !
Malal was good , the script writer found it better to kill the boy to teach his friends a lesson :-P than to devise funny ways to bring him back to track !  The composition of the scenes with KEMU building in the background was extraordinary !
Dusra Qadam had a good message ,nice acting, and clear audio…script with a positive message but a very negative ending with the use of a KNIFE :-P  You killed it!
Ghuncha , standing 2nd….had excellent script , how the life n even death of a child with a degree of mental retardation is used by politicians, newspaper editors/media, and what issues his family faces. It was a good movie… The character was built strongly and message conveyed well.
Kis Jahan ka Zar Lia ……..a nice attempt, he didn’t use Knife J or Gun J if I remember well, because he had a POISON to mix in water and present it respectfully to the girl…..:-D ... :-P :-P……. with a better script this team will do extraordinary !
Killer Inside … ..hmmmm  really ? :-P…. a good attempt to make horror stuff. Horror movies have been made in the past (with titles as what happens in DH remains in DH , etc etc) ,and a horror-comedy has also been made at kemu …the title I do not remember ! That movie could never win, But it was shared in Facebook group of every class at kemu as it was a full dose of laughter !
Saraab …standing 3rd….a good music video….. timeline was used very smoothly…it was flowing over music….extraordinary… and yes, Oh, the little girl was slaughtered for no obvious reason and the boy had finally blood on his forehead as he hit against the wall :-P
 I wonder if there is a KAPS soothsayer who tells… “chaar qatre khoon script pe lagaein, shertiaa trophy mile g”
Gunahgaar….standing 1st…..an excellent movie…an excellent message… a character built so strong ….amazing video quality and editing skills…..and finally the ‘bad man’ found the gun ,infact they all had too many guns :-P
Viva Voce….very nice attempt to make a 3D movie… It gave smiles ,if not laughters , to the audience…at one point , when a guy was rejected from the interview I thought that he would pull out gun and point at the interviewer as the environment in the hall had been built so…:-P…. but it was a good twist....
The reckoning…REVENGE ! ….story moved like some English movie ,had  a very stern ‘hero’…..After shooting with guns , he used a BOMB too….very cruel … :-P……………impressive editing !!!!!!!
Lakri ki Kathi….. Actors performed very well…. The video highlighted many things…The best part was the positivity of the script, the support the guy lent to his suffering wife. Thank you for not killing her. Video could not win, but it did not lose. A bit more work on direction and cinematography should help.
Polio….Yes the issue you presented to the audience has immense value. It should be solved. The video should be massively shared on facebook.
Mirage…Doctors should have fun time too….well said…. Did you know that Dr.Younis Butt is a kemcolian… (writer of Family Front…Hum sb Umeed say hain, etc etc)…. Have you heard about Shafiq-ur-Rehman? Kemcolian, who joined Pak Army, his books are a must read….I wish you had mentioned them in the end. J

And now that I am having a chance, STAGE  décor  in the Competition was excellent, such expensive, such beautiful Stage…..The silhouettes cut in cardboard looked dashing when LEDs threw lights on them….The stage décor team has PERFECTLY kept the traditions alive ….5/5 for the team….
MUSIC  PERFORMANCES were rocking ! Moeed with Saad…&Hamza and Bilal…Hamza and Haris…Amir & Moaz, Farah , Obaid Umair & Farhan….Saad and Husnain…&&&&…… Saad with Husain..>>.Excellent Voices and Guitars….! The performances were a treat for the audience who were continuously avoiding bullets in the videos ! Amir and Moaz your performance was enjoyed by Pro V.C sb..... you made him smile a lot :-P.... Saad was good ...Moeed's guitar has improved a lot ! Obaid , Umair and Farhan were professional !!!! Farah sang 'pehla nasha' very nicely ! Haris, Hamza , Bilal kept the show alive ! 

Finally , Dear kemcolians , video making has been so much evolving in KEMU….This year it evolved to immense seriousness, revenge, bloodshed…. With just 2 teams thinking to bring fun to screen.
Doctors , don’t kill so many people in your videos…,treat them with laughter, the best of medicines.. Kemcolians are trendsetters, Lets see what trends we ll see in the next years.

I end my letter with a few questions ….
Can you guess cool themes for a “music video”  ?
Do you think that a music video can be a comedy ?
GUNS , KNIVES , and BLOOD SHED solve all issues ?? :-P
Is it always necessary that a video be made with the view that it should win ?
Which one do you think is better ?  “a completely serious themed video”, “a video with bit of comedy along with serious script”, “a video that gives pangs from laughter” ?
Is there a Pianist , or a Violin player in kemu ? if yes, then bring him to stage next time ! ;-)

                                       I wish you good luck for all your struggle .

                                                  Dr. M Tauseef Omer
                                                  President KAPS 2011
                                                  M.B;B.S.    KEMU class of 2006-11
                                                  FCPS-II Resident in Paediatric Medicine & Neonatology


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