New House Officer's Orientation Guide

New House Officer's Orientation Guide
by Dr. M. Tauseef Omer
F.C.P.S. Resident
Paediatrics Medicine & Neonatology
Mayo Hosp.,Lhe.

Cleared M.B;B.S.  !
You thrived Well.
Now its time to link your previous theoretical knowledge & clinical skills with newer and better clinically oriented knowledge ! Medical World is so big , & So is the hospital where you are joining as HO- Mayo Hospital. This little guide will help you orient yourself to the working environment of Mayo & also to what is required from you.

House job can help you decide what is the most suitable Specialization for you.At the end of your Rotations you may be able to figure out if you are a doctor for bone repairs, or cutting n stitching bowels, or to handle crying babies , or the one who reads x rays and watches TV with ultrasound probe in hand!
Or , before your House job begins , you may visit wards of your "interest" , meet senior doctors- see their working routine .......... (click here to continue reading to Author's Page for updated version-year 2018)



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