Ent Prof Bank 2014
Dr. Pal k
long case main koi consent b ni lena hta. Jo b command wo kehte, wo bs krni
hti. Question b easy e pochte hn sir. It just depends on his mood.
Unit 1 is all about table viva of dr. Azhar.
Unit 1 is all about table viva of dr. Azhar.
bed allotment and table viva sharp
at 9am
TABLE VIVA: (Sir Paul or external
donon baithy thy)
*External-apni marzi ka instrument
uthao,Walsham's forcep..function btao,isi trha ka aik or hota ha wo uthao,Ash's
forecep.function btao-lucs forcep or tonsil holding forcep sth rakh k bola k in
mein se lucs forcep uthao
-indications for tonsillectomy
-referred otalgia after
-referred otalgia in hypopharyngeal
carcinoma..which nerve is involved?
-referred otalgia after dental
surgery,nerve involved ?
-parts of mastoid clef?
-middle ear proper?
-name mastoid ear cells?
-anatomy of nose (bony and
cartilagenous parts?)
-paranasal sinuses,ethmoidal sinus
ko kia cheez nose se separate krti ha? Ethmoid sinus ko Middle aur Superior Turbinates seperate krte hein
nose se...aur lamina papyraceae orbit se seperate krta
-parts of ethmoid bone?
*Sir Paul (sir ka mood bohat e acha
tha..beta araam se baitho seedhy ho kr,pareshan nae ho,blkul relax ho jao,koi
kuch nae kahy ga )
-causes of hoarseness
-what is vocal's nodules? its sites
on vocal cords? most important treatment?
-treatment of impacted wax?
LONG CASE: (External)
*PGs or HOs bohat help krty hain
-ur case? (nasal fracture
,posterior epistaxis,pt. of bleeding disorder)
-what kind of bleedimg disorder?
its genetic trait?
-what is fibrinogen?
-difference b/w PT and PTT?
-complication of posterior nasal
-ur case? (pt with tracheostomy
tube, hoarseness leading to respiratory difficulty)
-radial pulse or brachial pulse
feel kro
-what is physiological dead space?
-functions of larynx?
SHORT CASE:(External)
(head mirror bahr se set kr k jana)
-perform IDL
-examine nose
Sir paul n extrnal
ny mil k table viva liay. Instru n n xrays kisi kisi se puch rhy thy.sir Paul
bht km ly rhay thy . Extrnal is very nice. Ez questions. N also help u. Mjse
digastrs post bely ant bely suply, facial nerve comon surgeries in which it z
damged and for recurnt laryng n hypoglosal same questn. Tracheostomy. Laryngeal
paralysis k symptoms. Vocal nodules, refered otalgia.
Long case ,extrnal pucha ankle edema chk kro.. Lol frmalty tha shyd.
Short case. Maroof ny lia nose examine kro. No questns. Only method dykha.
Long case ,extrnal pucha ankle edema chk kro.. Lol frmalty tha shyd.
Short case. Maroof ny lia nose examine kro. No questns. Only method dykha.
unit 1 table viva:
koi instrument nai pocha... external ne kaha x ray explain kro... significance of prevertebal shadow...
oesophagus ki length... starting from incisors and original length ... and its extent...
sir pal ne bs attendance lgane ko kaha...
long case:
diagnosis.... hump nose ka treatment (external)
unit 2 short case:
examination of nose...
chill mahol.... external was very co operative .. so nothing to worry about ... dr maroof ... only simpl methods like anterior rhinscopy wagera .. no questions. molisons retractr uses .. complications .. types of mastoictmy .. indications of corticl mastoidctmy .. x ray pv shadow ... ct pe sphenoid sinus indication
koi instrument nai pocha... external ne kaha x ray explain kro... significance of prevertebal shadow...
oesophagus ki length... starting from incisors and original length ... and its extent...
sir pal ne bs attendance lgane ko kaha...
long case:
diagnosis.... hump nose ka treatment (external)
unit 2 short case:
examination of nose...
chill mahol.... external was very co operative .. so nothing to worry about ... dr maroof ... only simpl methods like anterior rhinscopy wagera .. no questions. molisons retractr uses .. complications .. types of mastoictmy .. indications of corticl mastoidctmy .. x ray pv shadow ... ct pe sphenoid sinus indication
Long case.
Hypertropic rhinitis
Treatmnt and wbat is the full form of LASER
Long case.
Hypertropic rhinitis
Treatmnt and wbat is the full form of LASER
vive ...(dr pal n dr najam )
name middle ear infections
What is aero otitis media
How will u treat its patient n preventive measures
name middle ear infections
What is aero otitis media
How will u treat its patient n preventive measures
of eustachian tube
Ct scan ..mastoid air cells...name them
Ct scan ..mastoid air cells...name them
IDL and ant rhinoscopy
IDL and ant rhinoscopy
sinuses ki boundries n foramen k contents bhi pooch rahay thay
Functions of sinuses and larynx
Ethmoid ki bones
Tonsillectomy indications
Impacted wax treatment
What is vestibule in larynx
Csom treatmnt
Treatmnt of hoarsness in pregnant women
Causes of hoarsness
Functions of sinuses and larynx
Ethmoid ki bones
Tonsillectomy indications
Impacted wax treatment
What is vestibule in larynx
Csom treatmnt
Treatmnt of hoarsness in pregnant women
Causes of hoarsness
Table viva external: name the turninates of lateral wall nose,where does sphenoid sinus open,name of endocrine gland in relation to sphenoid sinus,its lobes and hormones of posterior lobe.
Long case external: whats ur diagnosis(Chronic tonsilitis),what are its signs n symptoms,treatment.
Table viva external: name the turninates of lateral wall nose,where does sphenoid sinus open,name of endocrine gland in relation to sphenoid sinus,its lobes and hormones of posterior lobe.
Long case external: whats ur diagnosis(Chronic tonsilitis),what are its signs n symptoms,treatment.
Short case (Sir Azhar Hameed)
- Read the face of the patient(pt was a child with adenoid facies)
- Read the face of the patient(pt was a child with adenoid facies)
tble viva
external: xray pe epiglottis identify kro(hyoid bone k bilkul pechay aik leaf
like cartilage nazar ati he in xray), epglottis k relation mein konsa cartilage
hta he(thyroid), pre epiglottic space ki significance, most common laryngeal
long case external: d/d and management
short case(sir azhar): ant rhinoscopy
long case external: d/d and management
short case(sir azhar): ant rhinoscopy
viva external: x ray LV nasopharynx.... see the xray n give ur findings...
there was enlarged prevertebral shadow.... its cause... retropharyngeal abscess
n its types.... pharyngeal spaces names n the incisions used to drain them....
branches of external
carotid.... brachiocephalic trunk is branch of....?.... name venous sinuses in
cranial cavity.... where do they ultimately drain.... relations of cavernous
u ve to
wear head mirror before u enter in.go n focus light .he gives command and
usually says apka tym khatm horha hai so dont get confused just do it .if he
says exam oral cavity ya examine tonsils than DONT FORGET TO EXAMINE LYMPH
NODES. other wise he wud fail u.wo khud kehtay bus hogaya? u ve to do this as
well..baki sir usually sabsay ek he krwa rhy hotay.andar 5-6 aur doctors hotay
aksar mazak bh banta so hasna .rona mat plzzzz wahan ..
sir pal
kay long case is very easy .sir bus mood par bh bht depend krta.ofc ita ur luck
as well what is being asked or not ..sir pal kay long case sir pal kay notes r
more than enough .wo apnay notes kay he points suntay hain apsay ..uskay ilwa
methods bh krwa skta hain wo sir par depend krta hai totally .kia krwatay hain
apsay ..apka jab ling case hoga na tou u will b having enough time to study n
discuss ur ling case wid frnds so dnt worry about that ..
so learn that too
Flamingo red reflex/shwartz sign, redness of promontory visible thru tympanic membrane on examination (Wikipedia)
Active otoserosis me
Pehlay tavle viva hua. Sir azhar and external. Friendly environment and dr azhar asked all questions about anatomy. I was asked about parapharyngeal abscess its boundaries then superior mediastinum and its contents. Then functions of ear
External asked about types of csom and types of tymapanoplasty
Then long case. What's ur dignosis? Sir, foreign body. Treatment? Sir, esophagoscopy. Sir: just say removal of foreign body
Me: yes sir, sir:okay next
so learn that too
Flamingo red reflex/shwartz sign, redness of promontory visible thru tympanic membrane on examination (Wikipedia)
Active otoserosis me
Pehlay tavle viva hua. Sir azhar and external. Friendly environment and dr azhar asked all questions about anatomy. I was asked about parapharyngeal abscess its boundaries then superior mediastinum and its contents. Then functions of ear
External asked about types of csom and types of tymapanoplasty
Then long case. What's ur dignosis? Sir, foreign body. Treatment? Sir, esophagoscopy. Sir: just say removal of foreign body
Me: yes sir, sir:okay next
Sir pal
table viva:
Sir bohat happy thay aaj b. Koi stressfull mahol nai tha. Meri turn pe sir ne external ko kaha k wo poochain. Wo anatomy he poochtay hain sb se. Mjhse unho ne kaha k CT ha ye is me coronal or axial view konsa ha. Phr unho ne poocha us pe k ye kya ha. Sphenoid sinus tha. Phr unho ne relations poochay. Me ne bataya k internal carotid hoti ha sides pe. Unho ne kaha nerves konsi hoti hain 3,4,6 hoti ha or koi trigeminal ki branch. Or unho ne kaha k konsa sinus hota ha relation me me ne kaha cavernous. Or upar kya hota ha optic chiasm or sella tursica per pituitary .
Phr sir pal se unho ne kaha aap ne kuch poochna ha. Unho ne kaha k haan ye kuch bata do ear se..:D otitis media ki types bata do. Me bata rai thi unho ne kaha catarrhal konsi hoti ha
Phr kehte k catarrhal ki chronic form kya hogi. Me ne kaha serous OM. Kehte treatment batao. Me ne bataya. Phr kehte jao shabaash. Lol
Sir bohat happy thay aaj b. Koi stressfull mahol nai tha. Meri turn pe sir ne external ko kaha k wo poochain. Wo anatomy he poochtay hain sb se. Mjhse unho ne kaha k CT ha ye is me coronal or axial view konsa ha. Phr unho ne poocha us pe k ye kya ha. Sphenoid sinus tha. Phr unho ne relations poochay. Me ne bataya k internal carotid hoti ha sides pe. Unho ne kaha nerves konsi hoti hain 3,4,6 hoti ha or koi trigeminal ki branch. Or unho ne kaha k konsa sinus hota ha relation me me ne kaha cavernous. Or upar kya hota ha optic chiasm or sella tursica per pituitary .
Phr sir pal se unho ne kaha aap ne kuch poochna ha. Unho ne kaha k haan ye kuch bata do ear se..:D otitis media ki types bata do. Me bata rai thi unho ne kaha catarrhal konsi hoti ha
Phr kehte k catarrhal ki chronic form kya hogi. Me ne kaha serous OM. Kehte treatment batao. Me ne bataya. Phr kehte jao shabaash. Lol
Unit 2
dr maroof
Currette aur cell seeker uthao
Luc's uthao, pta kesy chla luc's h? bronchoscope uthao esophagoscope uthao
2no me farq kya h (i realixed mne ghalat uthae thy -.- sorry sir!) Boyle davis uthao. Is ko andr daalo. Wapis kholo. Tonsil holding forceps uthao. Trocar cannula uthao. Antral perforator uthao.
Dr pal
Examine left ear
Treatment otomycosis
Dr azhar
Diagn.? Dns
Physician bnna h ya surgeon? Father of surgery? Pathology in achalasia cardia? Squamocolumnar junction lies where in esophagus. Barret esophagus kyu hojati h, its complication? Jao.
Striated smooth muscles b. Esophagus me kahan konsy hoty
Dr.maroof table viva. Laryngoscope uthao.uses.pass ett in imaginary pt. Bs
Short case.dr pal said examine tonsil.indications of tonsillectomy.
Long case DNS.diag.treatment.diff b/w deflection n deviation.treatmnt of septal spur. A pt on warfarin therapy presents with epistaxis.management?
Dr azhar short case:
Ch tonsilitis k signs, faucial falre kion hota,
Facial paralysis k causes,
Killians dehiscense,
Levels of nodes in neck.
Dr paal short case:
Examine ear,
Treatmnt of wax
Dr azhar ling case
Diagnosis ( was c.s.o.m)
3 causes of mastoid swelling in a child of 7 yrs whose crying cx of it?
dr maroof
Currette aur cell seeker uthao
Luc's uthao, pta kesy chla luc's h? bronchoscope uthao esophagoscope uthao
2no me farq kya h (i realixed mne ghalat uthae thy -.- sorry sir!) Boyle davis uthao. Is ko andr daalo. Wapis kholo. Tonsil holding forceps uthao. Trocar cannula uthao. Antral perforator uthao.
Dr pal
Examine left ear
Treatment otomycosis
Dr azhar
Diagn.? Dns
Physician bnna h ya surgeon? Father of surgery? Pathology in achalasia cardia? Squamocolumnar junction lies where in esophagus. Barret esophagus kyu hojati h, its complication? Jao.
Striated smooth muscles b. Esophagus me kahan konsy hoty
Dr.maroof table viva. Laryngoscope uthao.uses.pass ett in imaginary pt. Bs
Short case.dr pal said examine tonsil.indications of tonsillectomy.
Long case DNS.diag.treatment.diff b/w deflection n deviation.treatmnt of septal spur. A pt on warfarin therapy presents with epistaxis.management?
Dr azhar short case:
Ch tonsilitis k signs, faucial falre kion hota,
Facial paralysis k causes,
Killians dehiscense,
Levels of nodes in neck.
Dr paal short case:
Examine ear,
Treatmnt of wax
Dr azhar ling case
Diagnosis ( was c.s.o.m)
3 causes of mastoid swelling in a child of 7 yrs whose crying cx of it?
1:tabl viva:analgesics nd muscl relaxants in which ent
situations..drs.hosp.case of child with burn nd died of drs. Neglignce regardng
muscl relaxant,tetanus nd bacteria,name other anaerobic bacteria,wt clostridium
perfenges causes,barotrauma,ct scan:crista galli,ethmoid bone anatomy,causes of
pain in ear(sir paal).....
long case:diagnosis nd treatment(chronic tonsillitis)........................short
case:anterior rhinoscopy
Long case ws by extrnl
Dr azhar long case diffrntiate bw glottic sbglottic and glottic masses..No N1 and other lymph node in staging
Table viva sir maroof causes of unilateral nasal obstruction and treatment complication of diphtheria
Sir pal short case ear exam and treatmnt of otomycosis
Unit 1
sir pal was busy e his mobile
Lahore k ho ya bahir k?
Kahan se ae ho?
Theek ha sr ap poochain
Then external strtd:
Grps of local anesthitics(amide and ester grps)
Ct scan id the structure(pharynx)
What is behind it(post cranial fossa)
What is the bony thing (internal occipital protuberance)
What forms here(confluence of sinuses)
where do they go then(laterally transverse sinus and then sigmoid sinus)
In what does it drain(inf petrosal sinus k sath mil k int jugular vein)
Where is juguloomohyoid lymph node
Which nerve is responsible for shrugging of shoulders
rt and left recc laryngeal nerve k diff
Hoarseness of voice ki causes
Tonsil and lymph node ka diff
Tonsillectomy ki indications
thoracic duct kis side p drain krti hai(left)
Long case dd nd trtmnt
Shot case do ant rhino
Yad se vestibule dekhna hai pehle and then speculum se exam
Aoa yar phle under le gae n bed alot kar die. 3 to 4 bache per bed..sath hi phle rol num ko bula len ge for table viva.. Aj dono ne lia tha. Shuru me to external apni marzinka instrum kah ra tha utha lo but meri bari ett di.. Usko explain kia mene. Then eso bronchoscope me se knsi foreign body eso k lie use kare ge. Ett ka size in infants. Esophageal constrictions length. Then dr.pal took the vova branches of facial n in midle ear. Glue ear its incision . y this incision. Gromet types
Then for the short case 1 min ka b ni tha.. Dr maroof the 2 children in one room he gives command n bech me hi rok k kahte jao. Jo dont waste much tym miror set kar k jana n bht acha hu jata kuch mushkil ni
Long case k lie bht tym tha. Hiatory exam likhna sab mil k karte. Then tabl viva le k external ae n unu ne lia.. He actually is more likely to make u something of medicine.. Mj se only clubbing ha k ni pocha me bus 2 test kia n done with long case. Baki bacho se or b bht kuch poch re the but asked only this q from me.bakio se edema etc b kara re the
ENT UNIT I long case.
Long case: You go threre they alot beds each bed 3 students roll num wise. Easy scene there full help full cheating. Book can also be opened.
External takes lomgg case viva uski history aur bs diagnosis aur treatmnt pta houna chaiye. External unitI is really weird. So dont worry he'll take long case viva jo ksi ko bhi nai aa raha hoga lol my case was DNS aur mera viva usney Skull k foramina per lia so ignore him
Sir pal Table viva
Sir pal bhi ley skty sir nukhbat bhi aur external bhi
Yehi external mery viva k time kafi normal lg raha tha lol
My questions were
Wax. Branchial fistula and thyroglossal duct. Poora poora topic
CT scan xray lga hua tha pr pooch nahi rhy thae ksi sey
Instrumnts bhi thae mjhse mastoid retractor poocha bs
Aur bhi bht kuch poocha tha jo drop bhi huye thae quetions ghlt bhi huye hain lekin sbkey hi hou rhy thae tou pta nahi Allah kher kry
Short case ..external Dr.Maroof lenge method. Sbko hi examine nose aya tha aur by the time i held speculum hi said thek hai bs jain..it was hardly a min on evry student.
Long case ws by extrnl
Dr azhar long case diffrntiate bw glottic sbglottic and glottic masses..No N1 and other lymph node in staging
Table viva sir maroof causes of unilateral nasal obstruction and treatment complication of diphtheria
Sir pal short case ear exam and treatmnt of otomycosis
Unit 1
sir pal was busy e his mobile
Lahore k ho ya bahir k?
Kahan se ae ho?
Theek ha sr ap poochain
Then external strtd:
Grps of local anesthitics(amide and ester grps)
Ct scan id the structure(pharynx)
What is behind it(post cranial fossa)
What is the bony thing (internal occipital protuberance)
What forms here(confluence of sinuses)
where do they go then(laterally transverse sinus and then sigmoid sinus)
In what does it drain(inf petrosal sinus k sath mil k int jugular vein)
Where is juguloomohyoid lymph node
Which nerve is responsible for shrugging of shoulders
rt and left recc laryngeal nerve k diff
Hoarseness of voice ki causes
Tonsil and lymph node ka diff
Tonsillectomy ki indications
thoracic duct kis side p drain krti hai(left)
Long case dd nd trtmnt
Shot case do ant rhino
Yad se vestibule dekhna hai pehle and then speculum se exam
Aoa yar phle under le gae n bed alot kar die. 3 to 4 bache per bed..sath hi phle rol num ko bula len ge for table viva.. Aj dono ne lia tha. Shuru me to external apni marzinka instrum kah ra tha utha lo but meri bari ett di.. Usko explain kia mene. Then eso bronchoscope me se knsi foreign body eso k lie use kare ge. Ett ka size in infants. Esophageal constrictions length. Then dr.pal took the vova branches of facial n in midle ear. Glue ear its incision . y this incision. Gromet types
Then for the short case 1 min ka b ni tha.. Dr maroof the 2 children in one room he gives command n bech me hi rok k kahte jao. Jo dont waste much tym miror set kar k jana n bht acha hu jata kuch mushkil ni
Long case k lie bht tym tha. Hiatory exam likhna sab mil k karte. Then tabl viva le k external ae n unu ne lia.. He actually is more likely to make u something of medicine.. Mj se only clubbing ha k ni pocha me bus 2 test kia n done with long case. Baki bacho se or b bht kuch poch re the but asked only this q from me.bakio se edema etc b kara re the
ENT UNIT I long case.
Long case: You go threre they alot beds each bed 3 students roll num wise. Easy scene there full help full cheating. Book can also be opened.
External takes lomgg case viva uski history aur bs diagnosis aur treatmnt pta houna chaiye. External unitI is really weird. So dont worry he'll take long case viva jo ksi ko bhi nai aa raha hoga lol my case was DNS aur mera viva usney Skull k foramina per lia so ignore him
Sir pal Table viva
Sir pal bhi ley skty sir nukhbat bhi aur external bhi
Yehi external mery viva k time kafi normal lg raha tha lol
My questions were
Wax. Branchial fistula and thyroglossal duct. Poora poora topic
CT scan xray lga hua tha pr pooch nahi rhy thae ksi sey
Instrumnts bhi thae mjhse mastoid retractor poocha bs
Aur bhi bht kuch poocha tha jo drop bhi huye thae quetions ghlt bhi huye hain lekin sbkey hi hou rhy thae tou pta nahi Allah kher kry
Short case ..external Dr.Maroof lenge method. Sbko hi examine nose aya tha aur by the time i held speculum hi said thek hai bs jain..it was hardly a min on evry student.
(Sir Azhar) and External(Sir Maroof):
dr azhar
Anatomy krni parti.o. Cranial nerves krni hti n unki nuclei k level. Ye kfi pochte hn wo.
At times wo scenerio bna k question pochte hn.
Aur notes milte hn aik viva questions k ent k, wo dekh lena. Kfi ziada hn wo lekin. Wo kemunited se dkh lo bki questions.
Yar sir azhar long case ka kuch b ni pochte as such. Diagnosis pochte n 2,3 easy se questions pochte hain. Mera ab tonsillitis ka case tha n unho ne diagnois pochi n tonsil ki blood supply. Unka basic table viva e hta. Wo kfi mushkil lete hn wo.
From ayesha shahid
Pehlay tavle viva hua. Sir azhar and external. Friendly environment and dr azhar asked all questions about anatomy. I was asked about parapharyngeal abscess its boundaries then superior mediastinum and its contents. Then functions of ear
External asked about types of csom and types of tymapanoplasty
Then long case. What's ur dignosis? Sir, foreign body. Treatment? Sir, esophagoscopy. Sir: just say removal of foreign body
Me: yes sir, sir:okay next
Dreaded Dr Pal's short case
Where do u live? Would u like to eat cake? no sir. Tea then? No thankyou sir. Okay then examine tonsils
I had just asked the patient to open mouth when sir said its okay. Aap jain. He was in such a good mood. Humein jokes sunate rhe. Hansa rahe they sab ko sir pal!
Anatomy krni parti.o. Cranial nerves krni hti n unki nuclei k level. Ye kfi pochte hn wo.
At times wo scenerio bna k question pochte hn.
Aur notes milte hn aik viva questions k ent k, wo dekh lena. Kfi ziada hn wo lekin. Wo kemunited se dkh lo bki questions.
Yar sir azhar long case ka kuch b ni pochte as such. Diagnosis pochte n 2,3 easy se questions pochte hain. Mera ab tonsillitis ka case tha n unho ne diagnois pochi n tonsil ki blood supply. Unka basic table viva e hta. Wo kfi mushkil lete hn wo.
From ayesha shahid
Pehlay tavle viva hua. Sir azhar and external. Friendly environment and dr azhar asked all questions about anatomy. I was asked about parapharyngeal abscess its boundaries then superior mediastinum and its contents. Then functions of ear
External asked about types of csom and types of tymapanoplasty
Then long case. What's ur dignosis? Sir, foreign body. Treatment? Sir, esophagoscopy. Sir: just say removal of foreign body
Me: yes sir, sir:okay next
Dreaded Dr Pal's short case
Where do u live? Would u like to eat cake? no sir. Tea then? No thankyou sir. Okay then examine tonsils
I had just asked the patient to open mouth when sir said its okay. Aap jain. He was in such a good mood. Humein jokes sunate rhe. Hansa rahe they sab ko sir pal!
Asnia Latif
Alhamdulilah it was just fine.
First cases r given. U take history n exam n all. All are v v v helping.
Then was table viva with Dr azhar n Dr Maroof sitting together.
Dr azhar.
Define pain. Grades of pain. Ocular something score (hadn't heard of the term even)
Neck lymph nodes. Levels.
Ch tonsillitis signs.
Dr. Maroof
Tonsillectomy complications.
What's primary hemorrhage?
Then u go Back to ur pt.
Long case. Literally 2 secs.
Diagnosis. Treatment? Jao. Everyone was asked these 2 only.
Short case with Dr pal
Examine tonsils.
What lies lateral to tonsil.
I started from tonsillar bed but he just wants to hear sup constrictor. Nothing else.
Sir pal just gives a command. Asks one question only. Wants one word answer only.
Alhamdulilah it was just fine.
First cases r given. U take history n exam n all. All are v v v helping.
Then was table viva with Dr azhar n Dr Maroof sitting together.
Dr azhar.
Define pain. Grades of pain. Ocular something score (hadn't heard of the term even)
Neck lymph nodes. Levels.
Ch tonsillitis signs.
Dr. Maroof
Tonsillectomy complications.
What's primary hemorrhage?
Then u go Back to ur pt.
Long case. Literally 2 secs.
Diagnosis. Treatment? Jao. Everyone was asked these 2 only.
Short case with Dr pal
Examine tonsils.
What lies lateral to tonsil.
I started from tonsillar bed but he just wants to hear sup constrictor. Nothing else.
Sir pal just gives a command. Asks one question only. Wants one word answer only.
and dr. Maroof table viva:
Treat nae karayn gy tau kia hoga?
Organisms causing perichondritis
Herpes oticus
Kis cheez ka infection hay?
SMR aur septoplasty may difference.
Treat nae karayn gy tau kia hoga?
Organisms causing perichondritis
Herpes oticus
Kis cheez ka infection hay?
SMR aur septoplasty may difference.
case may bas one word diagbosiis and treatment
short case
Examine ear
Ear wax
Fungal ear wax treatment
Examine ear
Ear wax
Fungal ear wax treatment
unit 2 jaldi jaldi
le rahe ...
dr. maroof- table viva
diff. btw tracheostomy tubes..their uses..
tracheostomy k complications
dr.azhar-long case
dignosis. CSOM
treatment. sir isk liye hum..sir: hum nai bas treatment bolo!!! me:RaDical mastoidectomy aur...sir: jao tongue emoticon ...
dr.pal-short case
tonsil examine.blood supply tonsil
dr. maroof- table viva
diff. btw tracheostomy tubes..their uses..
tracheostomy k complications
dr.azhar-long case
dignosis. CSOM
treatment. sir isk liye hum..sir: hum nai bas treatment bolo!!! me:RaDical mastoidectomy aur...sir: jao tongue emoticon ...
dr.pal-short case
tonsil examine.blood supply tonsil
Short case : Sir Pal
Q: Blood supply of stapedius ?
Q:Two cruras of stapes are Ant/posterior Or Medial/lateral ?
Table Viva Sir Azhar
What is atrophic rhinitis ? Its treatment ?
In long case sir Azhar only asked the diagnosis and treatment ?
Short case : Sir Pal
Q: Blood supply of stapedius ?
Q:Two cruras of stapes are Ant/posterior Or Medial/lateral ?
Table Viva Sir Azhar
What is atrophic rhinitis ? Its treatment ?
In long case sir Azhar only asked the diagnosis and treatment ?
of septal deformity.
types of deviation and deflection.
difference between deviation and deflection.
how to give local anesthesia for septoplasty.
where to give local anesthesia for septoplasty.
types of deviation and deflection.
difference between deviation and deflection.
how to give local anesthesia for septoplasty.
where to give local anesthesia for septoplasty.
Dr azhar long
case diffrntiate bw glottic sbglottic and glottic masses..No N1 and other lymph
node in staging Table viva sir maroof causes of unilateral nasal obstruction
and treatment complication of diphtheria Sir pal short case ear exam and
treatmnt of otomycosis
Dr.maroof table
viva. Laryngoscope uthao.uses.pass ett in imaginary pt. BsShort case.dr pal
said examine tonsil.indications of tonsillectomy. Long case
DNS.diag.treatment.diff b/w deflection n deviation.treatmnt of septal spur. A
pt on warfarin therapy presents with epistaxis.management?
Unit 2.Table
viva. Dr maroof...management of pt wid bleeding nose.Long case. Left vocal cord
palsy.Dr azhar...dx? How did u knw? On IDL. Wat is internationally accepted
best way to see this? Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy.Short case...aj DNS aur
tonsillitis tha...Command examine tonsil. Blood supply of tonsil.
ye aj diff logo
se ques thay.. sir maroof instruments poch letay hain table viva main.. and
mastoidectomy ,tympanoplasty etc suni.. sir azhr ne long main ques zada kye h
aj like tonsilitis ho to usk bacteria,symptoms,complications etc..
retropharyngeal space diff of child and old person.
and sir pal bs
command detay examination ki and aik ques pochtay bs mostly and precise ans
dena hota
ni,, long case mostly sir azhar hi le rhay and sir maroof ne dosray unit
ka short,, and sir azhr late atay h zra so shuru walun ka table viva sir maroof
le letay hain,, depend krta sir azhr kb ayen,..
nope.. case related bt wo case main reh kr hi kahin b chlay jatay like mjh
se acute tonsilitis ki complications main me ne retropharyngeal abscess bol dia
so phansa dia wahan
Table viva dr.
maroof.. almost saray instruments sunay nothing else
long case dr azhar.. diagnosis? DNS
questions: father of surgery? achalasia cardia? pathology kya hoti hai? konsy cells degenerate hoty hein? meissner's myenteric plexus kahan kahan hota hai? striated smooth muscles kesy distributed hoty hein eso me? squamocolumnar junction kahan hota hai esophagus ka? barrett esophagus kyu ho jati hai? treat na krein toh konsi complication hogi?
short case Dr Pal: examine LEFT ear. treatment of otomycosis
long case dr azhar.. diagnosis? DNS
questions: father of surgery? achalasia cardia? pathology kya hoti hai? konsy cells degenerate hoty hein? meissner's myenteric plexus kahan kahan hota hai? striated smooth muscles kesy distributed hoty hein eso me? squamocolumnar junction kahan hota hai esophagus ka? barrett esophagus kyu ho jati hai? treat na krein toh konsi complication hogi?
short case Dr Pal: examine LEFT ear. treatment of otomycosis
table viva
external: name tuning fork test,frequencies of tuning forks? weber's test
long case external: diagnosis(laryngeal mass), d/d,how to diagnose?(direct larygoscopy)
short case: ant.rhinoscopy
long case external: diagnosis(laryngeal mass), d/d,how to diagnose?(direct larygoscopy)
short case: ant.rhinoscopy
Aur wse
ent is all about your luck.
sir azhar ka pta nae hta .wo usually khud bh laitay hain aur external ko bh keh daitay hain keh laiy laiy..agr Sir azhar lain wo long case mei bht limited sawal pochty aur unko maza ata ajeeb cheez pochnay say..ddoooooo sir azhar class lectures for him must..he asks alot of things from there too.apart from thia hmra sir nay akr sirf diagnosis aur one word treatment pocha tha bus 4 sec ka viva tha .so he is retiring he wont fail u ppl.
sir pal ka he table viva hoga agr unkay pass long case aya .sir pal ko tracheostomy kay intruments n tonsillectomy kay instruments bht pasand hain.unko achi tarhan krky jana ap .baki sir ussi say related questions pochty hain apsay ..agr mood khrb ho wo tang bh krta hain so just pray that he doesn't doz so ..baki agr koi masla nae hai he will pass u .baaz logo say sirf unka biodata kay viva hota they r lucky ones kiok wo automatically pass hotay hain
usmei the most imp is cranial nerves exam and facial nerve v imp uski branches wagiara krky jana ap log.uskay ilwa sir ko oral cavity bht pasand hai.sir azhar kay liye consent laina n patient ko thankyou kehna is v imp part dont forget about that .uskay ilwa sir parotid ka exam bh krwa laitay wo mjhy khud nae pta kaisay hota lekin ek larki say krwaya usko nae ata tha but she passed as well
sir azhar tymapnic membrane bh draw krwa laitay .kehtay draw right ya left tympanic memebrane
table viva mei external bh laita aur sir bh..sir koi bh instrument kehtay uthaney ko n wohi indications wagaira.sir zara diff uthwatay hain .like ambu bag wagira .so mind that keh u ve to knw about ambu bag as well..
sir azhar ka pta nae hta .wo usually khud bh laitay hain aur external ko bh keh daitay hain keh laiy laiy..agr Sir azhar lain wo long case mei bht limited sawal pochty aur unko maza ata ajeeb cheez pochnay say..ddoooooo sir azhar class lectures for him must..he asks alot of things from there too.apart from thia hmra sir nay akr sirf diagnosis aur one word treatment pocha tha bus 4 sec ka viva tha .so he is retiring he wont fail u ppl.
sir pal ka he table viva hoga agr unkay pass long case aya .sir pal ko tracheostomy kay intruments n tonsillectomy kay instruments bht pasand hain.unko achi tarhan krky jana ap .baki sir ussi say related questions pochty hain apsay ..agr mood khrb ho wo tang bh krta hain so just pray that he doesn't doz so ..baki agr koi masla nae hai he will pass u .baaz logo say sirf unka biodata kay viva hota they r lucky ones kiok wo automatically pass hotay hain

usmei the most imp is cranial nerves exam and facial nerve v imp uski branches wagiara krky jana ap log.uskay ilwa sir ko oral cavity bht pasand hai.sir azhar kay liye consent laina n patient ko thankyou kehna is v imp part dont forget about that .uskay ilwa sir parotid ka exam bh krwa laitay wo mjhy khud nae pta kaisay hota lekin ek larki say krwaya usko nae ata tha but she passed as well

sir azhar tymapnic membrane bh draw krwa laitay .kehtay draw right ya left tympanic memebrane
table viva mei external bh laita aur sir bh..sir koi bh instrument kehtay uthaney ko n wohi indications wagaira.sir zara diff uthwatay hain .like ambu bag wagira .so mind that keh u ve to knw about ambu bag as well..

Topic of Assignments
Imp Topics are marked Tick and star
Normal Audiogram:
wo hai jo without any external stimulus present ho
Induced me you have to give a stimulus
For example move your index finger horizontally at a distance of 1 foot within visual field of patient.if nystagmus occurs then it is induced nystagmus.
Bt dr azhr tried to unsettle alot. Unho ny mjy in ques k ans py buhat mock kia tha bt shukar hai main ny sae bta dia tha.
Kuch bachon sy unho ny amino acids un my carbon venous supply etc puchi bt dat was for fun only. Sb teachr hans ry thy. Bt plz do his class lctrz. Wo must hain.
Assalam o Alaikum!!! Alhamdulilah acha ho gya mera. Unho ny 8.30 i thnk bed alot kiay. Unit 2 my parchi systm tha. Kuch bed pr aik kuch par 2. Thn histry lo n examine kro pura. Mtlb oral cavity nose ear in addition to ur case examinatn. Then u r called for tabl viva. 2 xray n 1 ct tha. Pehly 10 ka dr maroof ny lia. Meri bari dr azhr a gy thy. To wo dono mojood thy. Mj sy dr mariof ny kuch puch. Dr azhr askd
Def ov fistula
Names ov fistula n their treatmnt
Branchial fistula ki intrnl openings...
Baqi long case k liay teachers r very helpful
Wo 30 sec my dr azhr ny diagnosis pucha n thn treatment
Shrt case dr pal puri trhan krny b nae daity thy n kehty thy thek hai n 1 ques relatd to that. Tonsil xamine krny ko kaha n us ki blud suply puchi.
Yar table viva m dr maroof hte or sir azhr bi kch cases lete, dr marof instrmnt xray ct or general qs e.g tonsilctmy s relatd puch rae the, sir azhr bht bnge qs kr rae the, shrt case m dr.pal bs aik minute m jaldi jaldi sb s tonsilctmy kra rae the, or tnsil ki bld suply puch rae the bht logon s, long case m dr azhr bs diagnose or aik line ka treatmnt puchte or kch bi nai, zda case tonsil adenoid dns polyp k the
Try to gv precise answer. Dont exagerate. Tukky na lgana. Nae ata to galat btany ki bjayay kehna sir nae ata.
Ye hmy wahan sir ny kaha tha.
The ostiometal complex is composed of five structures:
maxillary ostium - drainage channel of the maxillary sinus
infundibilum - common channel that drains the ostia of the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses to the hiatus semilunaris
ethmoidal bulla - usually a single air cell that projects inferomedially over the hiatus semilunaris
uncinate process - hook-like process that arises from the posteromedial aspect of the nasolacrimal duct and forms the anterior boundary of the hiatus semilunaris
hiatus semilunaris - final drainage passage; a region between the ethmoid bulla superiorly and free-edge of the uncinate process
sir asked me grommet ki types
Long term grommet short term grommet
Mera unit 1 tha..r long r table viva to Dr najam nay lia.short case Dr marrof nay.unit 2 mai long Dr azhar..table viva Dr azhar r maroof dono ..r short case..Dr pal
Dr maroof took my table viva. . CT N endotracheal tube pe hua sara. .explain the ct. tell the pathology. N baki usse ke ek do points poche. . Wat is last film n sections in CT.. Ct same tha jo revision class main b dhekahya tha.
Long case dr azhar
Diagonosis n treatment. He wants one word ans. . Main was aural polyp with ear discharge
Short case
Examine tonsil
Asked blood supply of tonsil
Unit 1
short case: examine nose(make sure you know how to hold the speculum)
Long case: diagnosis? Chr.tonsillitis, site of incision? Muscle in ant pillar?
Long case:
Dr.Pal : kahan se ho? Lhr se, gari mein petrol h? Clg kaise ayi ho ? Bus pe; buses mein petrol h ?
Frey's syndrome,Horner's syndrome. Xray ko dhika k kaha k is par kia kia nazar ara
While the ext is taking my viva Sir Pal is sitting in front of me ,probably playing a game on his phone
Ext: clotting factors kaise yad kiye hein? By name or by no.? How many clotting factors are there? Since your roll no. is 67, tell me the name of 13th(6+7) clotting factor. Name some plasma proteins. What is fibrinogen? What does do? Which drug blocks the extrinsic clotting pathway? How do you monitor extrinsic pathway?
What do you call a hrg that occurs during surgery? Its treatment? Name of hrg that occurs within 24 hrs? Within a few days? Cause of secondary hrg?
Ext asks ppl Qs based on their roll nos. Roll no 65: 6+5=11: 11th nerve. Roll no 66: 6+6=12: hypoglossal nerve. Roll no 67:6+7=13 name the 13th clotting factor.
Unit 1. Table viva extrnal. Dr pal still playin game :D ur doin my audiometry whr wil u place red n blu plugs ? Red in ryt ear. Blu in left. If u want bone conduction too, wat will u add to audiometr? Bone vibrator (vibrates mastoid). An audiogram with overlapping AC BC , Dx? Normal ear. Audiogram wid BC normal AC neechay Dx? Conductiv deafnes. Causes o conductiv deafns? Wats cong cholesteatoma? Its S/S? conductiv defnes, intact TM with white mass in mid ear, discharge wen rupture. Wat perforation occurs with acquired cholesteatoma?
Short case dr maroof. Do ant rhinoscopy. Take consent in loud voice . He jus sees how u hold speculum.
Long viva external. Dx: chr tonsillitis. treatment: tonsillectomy. Hw wil rule out bleedin disordr? Do coagultion studies: plt count, PT APTT., plt func test. Name a cmn plt func test . Thats Bleedin tym.
unit 2
dr. maroof- table viva
diff. btw tracheostomy tubes..their uses..
tracheostomy k complications
dr.azhar-long case
dignosis. CSOM
treatment. RaDical mastoidectomy jao...
dr.pal-short case
tonsil examine.blood supply tonsil
Unit 2.
Table viva. Dr maroof...management of pt wid bleeding nose.
Long case. Left vocal cord palsy.
Dr azhar...dx? How did u knw? On IDL. Wat is internationally accepted best way to see this? Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy.
Short case...aj DNS aur tonsillitis tha...
Command examine tonsil.
Blood supply of tonsil.
Induced me you have to give a stimulus
For example move your index finger horizontally at a distance of 1 foot within visual field of patient.if nystagmus occurs then it is induced nystagmus.
Bt dr azhr tried to unsettle alot. Unho ny mjy in ques k ans py buhat mock kia tha bt shukar hai main ny sae bta dia tha.
Kuch bachon sy unho ny amino acids un my carbon venous supply etc puchi bt dat was for fun only. Sb teachr hans ry thy. Bt plz do his class lctrz. Wo must hain.
Assalam o Alaikum!!! Alhamdulilah acha ho gya mera. Unho ny 8.30 i thnk bed alot kiay. Unit 2 my parchi systm tha. Kuch bed pr aik kuch par 2. Thn histry lo n examine kro pura. Mtlb oral cavity nose ear in addition to ur case examinatn. Then u r called for tabl viva. 2 xray n 1 ct tha. Pehly 10 ka dr maroof ny lia. Meri bari dr azhr a gy thy. To wo dono mojood thy. Mj sy dr mariof ny kuch puch. Dr azhr askd
Def ov fistula
Names ov fistula n their treatmnt
Branchial fistula ki intrnl openings...
Baqi long case k liay teachers r very helpful
Wo 30 sec my dr azhr ny diagnosis pucha n thn treatment
Shrt case dr pal puri trhan krny b nae daity thy n kehty thy thek hai n 1 ques relatd to that. Tonsil xamine krny ko kaha n us ki blud suply puchi.
Yar table viva m dr maroof hte or sir azhr bi kch cases lete, dr marof instrmnt xray ct or general qs e.g tonsilctmy s relatd puch rae the, sir azhr bht bnge qs kr rae the, shrt case m dr.pal bs aik minute m jaldi jaldi sb s tonsilctmy kra rae the, or tnsil ki bld suply puch rae the bht logon s, long case m dr azhr bs diagnose or aik line ka treatmnt puchte or kch bi nai, zda case tonsil adenoid dns polyp k the
Try to gv precise answer. Dont exagerate. Tukky na lgana. Nae ata to galat btany ki bjayay kehna sir nae ata.
Ye hmy wahan sir ny kaha tha.
The ostiometal complex is composed of five structures:
maxillary ostium - drainage channel of the maxillary sinus
infundibilum - common channel that drains the ostia of the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses to the hiatus semilunaris
ethmoidal bulla - usually a single air cell that projects inferomedially over the hiatus semilunaris
uncinate process - hook-like process that arises from the posteromedial aspect of the nasolacrimal duct and forms the anterior boundary of the hiatus semilunaris
hiatus semilunaris - final drainage passage; a region between the ethmoid bulla superiorly and free-edge of the uncinate process
sir asked me grommet ki types
Long term grommet short term grommet
Mera unit 1 tha..r long r table viva to Dr najam nay lia.short case Dr marrof nay.unit 2 mai long Dr azhar..table viva Dr azhar r maroof dono ..r short case..Dr pal
Dr maroof took my table viva. . CT N endotracheal tube pe hua sara. .explain the ct. tell the pathology. N baki usse ke ek do points poche. . Wat is last film n sections in CT.. Ct same tha jo revision class main b dhekahya tha.
Long case dr azhar
Diagonosis n treatment. He wants one word ans. . Main was aural polyp with ear discharge
Short case
Examine tonsil
Asked blood supply of tonsil
Unit 1
short case: examine nose(make sure you know how to hold the speculum)
Long case: diagnosis? Chr.tonsillitis, site of incision? Muscle in ant pillar?
Long case:
Dr.Pal : kahan se ho? Lhr se, gari mein petrol h? Clg kaise ayi ho ? Bus pe; buses mein petrol h ?
Frey's syndrome,Horner's syndrome. Xray ko dhika k kaha k is par kia kia nazar ara
While the ext is taking my viva Sir Pal is sitting in front of me ,probably playing a game on his phone
Ext: clotting factors kaise yad kiye hein? By name or by no.? How many clotting factors are there? Since your roll no. is 67, tell me the name of 13th(6+7) clotting factor. Name some plasma proteins. What is fibrinogen? What does do? Which drug blocks the extrinsic clotting pathway? How do you monitor extrinsic pathway?
What do you call a hrg that occurs during surgery? Its treatment? Name of hrg that occurs within 24 hrs? Within a few days? Cause of secondary hrg?
Ext asks ppl Qs based on their roll nos. Roll no 65: 6+5=11: 11th nerve. Roll no 66: 6+6=12: hypoglossal nerve. Roll no 67:6+7=13 name the 13th clotting factor.
Unit 1. Table viva extrnal. Dr pal still playin game :D ur doin my audiometry whr wil u place red n blu plugs ? Red in ryt ear. Blu in left. If u want bone conduction too, wat will u add to audiometr? Bone vibrator (vibrates mastoid). An audiogram with overlapping AC BC , Dx? Normal ear. Audiogram wid BC normal AC neechay Dx? Conductiv deafnes. Causes o conductiv deafns? Wats cong cholesteatoma? Its S/S? conductiv defnes, intact TM with white mass in mid ear, discharge wen rupture. Wat perforation occurs with acquired cholesteatoma?
Short case dr maroof. Do ant rhinoscopy. Take consent in loud voice . He jus sees how u hold speculum.
Long viva external. Dx: chr tonsillitis. treatment: tonsillectomy. Hw wil rule out bleedin disordr? Do coagultion studies: plt count, PT APTT., plt func test. Name a cmn plt func test . Thats Bleedin tym.
unit 2
dr. maroof- table viva
diff. btw tracheostomy tubes..their uses..
tracheostomy k complications
dr.azhar-long case
dignosis. CSOM
treatment. RaDical mastoidectomy jao...
dr.pal-short case
tonsil examine.blood supply tonsil
Unit 2.
Table viva. Dr maroof...management of pt wid bleeding nose.
Long case. Left vocal cord palsy.
Dr azhar...dx? How did u knw? On IDL. Wat is internationally accepted best way to see this? Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy.
Short case...aj DNS aur tonsillitis tha...
Command examine tonsil.
Blood supply of tonsil.
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