Gynaecology & Obstetrics Study Guide | High Yield Topics | Notes

Sent by Abeera Akram

Ch 1: func of placenta Q.Obs k first ch main abnormalities of placenta and umblical cord bh krni hn.
 Ch 2: for MCQs.
Ch 3: for histry and examin points. Determination of gest age, table 3.2, booking visit-iska saara hist,exam etc, subsequent visits, last page per parity.
Ch 4: ultrasound, matrnal serum AFP, triple test, quadriple test, other tests. Amniocentesis. Chorionc vilous sampling.
 Ch 5: full chap. Sec influences of pre eclam read fr undrstandng. List of risk factrs. Managmnt.table 5.2.
 Ch 6: full ch. Maternal carbohydrte met durng preg, carboh derangmnts durng preg. Efects of diab on preg imp, managmnt, screening, randon glucose test, diag tests, table 6.1 learn.
Ch 7: only tick marks. def., significance, Types of anemia, iron def anemia, megaloblstc anemia, fig 7.2.
Ch 8: Nahi krna.
Ch 9:only tick marks. Torch inf, rubella.
Ch 10: nhe krna.
Ch 11: only hyperemesis gravidarum.
Ch 12: full ch.
Ch 13: full ch.
Ch 14: full ch.
Ch 15: full ch.
ch 16: full ch.
Ch 17: full ch
Ch 18: full ch. Table 18.1
Ch 19: full ch. Too much fullness  :P
Ch 20: screening tests, fetal movmnts, symphysio fundl height, specifc tests, ctg imp, ultrasound, biophysical profile, table 20.1, dopler ultrasound.
Ch 21: bony pelvis concept,,table 21.1, fetal diam imp, variations imp, table 21.2.
Ch 22: only concept and story. Read once. Learn stages of labour.
 Ch 23: full. First stage of lab, phases of first stage, managmnt of frst stage, interpretation of ctg during labour imp, partogram imp.
Ch 24: conduction of anelgessssia.
Ch 25: dilataaaation of cervx, prolonged latenr phase, prolonged actve phase, causes of abnormal labour, table 25.1, maternal risks.
Ch 26: phase 1 and 2, diag, duration of scnd stage, matrnal and fetal respnse to scnd stage, methods of fetal monitorng, progresion od secnd stage, def imp, mechansm of labour imp, conduct of scnd stage, pain relief durng secnd stage, delivery procedure headngs only.
Ch 27: prolonged secnd stage ki def, instumntal delvry, genral ind of instmntal del imp, pre requisites of inst del imp, obs forceps, wrigleys and simpsons frcps architectre headngs, technique awein awein, arc and applic of keilands nhe krna, compl of frcps del imp, ventouse ka archtctre, technque, compl imp, vacum extractr versus forceps, disadvntges of vacuum ext, specifc ind for vacuum, specfc ind for frcps, shouldr dystocia v.imp.
Ch 28: do ind, contra ind, complications, and main points of procedures . C section , types of c sec, table 28.1 imp, table 28.2, compl of c sec imp, episiotomy, indications, types, complications nd care,
Ch 29: umblical cordddd prolpse imp, table 29.1, compound pres, obstructd lbour, table 29.2, pathophysiolgy imp, GPE, fetal distress.
Ch 30: imp sara. Deep transvrse arest, cephalic malpresnt.
Ch 31: imp. Complete. Transvrse lie. Unstable lie.
 Ch 32: thrd stage of lab, actve managmnt of thrd stage, complications v. Imp, sec pph, placenta acreta imp, mendelsons synd def, perineal trauma imp, uterine rupture.
Ch 33: induction of labour, table 33.1, table 33.2, pre requisites of induction, methds of ind, prostaglandns, oxytcin, artificial rupture of membrnes, augmentation of labour. Table 33.3.
Ch 34: def , table 34.1, significance, tab 34.2, diag during labour, managmnt.
Ch 35: def, physiology read for mcqs,,puerpurial pyrexia imp, puerpureal mental disordrs read+names,.lactation, advantages of breast feed question.
Ch 36: apgar score only.
ch 37: maternal mortality imp, perintal mor def, agay ki def sari.

Chp sidra baji gyne marks:
Chp 1: tick only. Anatomy as much as u can for may b mcq. Uterine anomalies q, vaginal atresia.
Chp 2: concept. Do as much as u want to.
Chp 3: imp chp full. Tick marks on primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea.
chp 4: vimp chp. All def on 1st pg. Pg 32 tick. Post menopausal bleeding tick.
chp 5: tick only. Dysmenorrhea.
chp 6: do this chp for seq+mcq
Chp 7: v imp chp do full.
chp 8: v imp chp do full.
chp 9: v imp chp do full.
chp 10: v imp chp do full.
chp 11: cross
Chp 12: v imp chp do full.
chp 13: v imp chp do full.
chp 14: imp uptill marked. Candidiasis, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, genital herpes, chlamydia infections, gonorrhea, syphilis. These topic r marked. Table 14.1 imp.
chp 15: tick on pelvic inflammatory disease.
chp 16: tick
Chp 17: full chp
Chp 18: imp chp. Ticks on urinary tract fistulae and table 18.1
Chp 19: cross. Just for mcq 2 point. male pseudohermaphrodite is ......? females pseudohermaphrodite is .......?. Check dr. Nadeem's lect.
chp 20: ticks only. Ticks on hirsutism, virilism, pcos(imp), history, examination, investigation, treatment.
chp 21: imp full.
chp 22: ticks only. Ticks on fibroid uterus (imp), uterine polyps.
chp 23: ticks on these: endometrial hyperplasia, carcinoma of endometrium, age
Chp 24: ticks on cervical erosion, table 24.1, screening for pre invasive disease of cervix, pap smear, colposcopy till CIN in pregnancy, carcinoma of cervix(imp)
Chp 25: tick on table 25.1, physiological cysts, dermoid cyst, presentation of benign ovarian tumors, examination, investigations, complications of benign ovarian tumors, differential diagnosis, table 25.2, management, treatment.
chp 26: ticks on table 26.1, carcinoma of ovary, epithelial tumors, screening for ovarian carcinoma, clinical features, investigations, staging, treatment, krukenberg tumors. cross on non epithelial ovarian tumors.
chp 27: bartholin's cyst only.
chp 28: tick only. Ticks on gartner's cyst.
chp 29: cross
Chp 30: cross
Chp 31: D&C, hysterectomy.
chp 32: dyspareunia def, superficial dyspareunia list of causes only.

DR NADEEM NOTES click to read.


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