KEDS' 16th All Pakistan Declamation Championship

King Edward Debating Society (KEDS) held its annual event, the 16th All Pakistan Declamation Championship from 28th to 29th April 2015, which was participated in by more than 30 teams.
Each team comprised of an English and an Urdu speaker, with one speaking on a serious and the other on a humorous topic.
After heated speeches in the initial rounds on 28 April, the finalists were selected who battled it out on the 29th.
Here a few clicks from the event; enjoy!

Day 1

The venue - New Auditorium
Left to Right: Syed Ahmad Raza (Vice President KEDS) ; Shaarif Bashir (President KEDS) ; Ruhma Ihsan (Vice President KEDS)
Photo Courtesy: Danial Ali
They say, "If you can do it in KE, you can do it anywhere"
THE toughest crowd of Pakistan
Photo Courtesy: Danial Ali
A speaker from Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
Dr. Sidrah Latif (ex President KEDS) sharing her critique
Finalists being announced

Day 2

The Chairs of 16th APDC

A Punjabi speaker
A speaker from GC University
A speaker from NUST Business School H-12 Campus Islamabad
Representing Superior University
A speaker from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
A speaker from FAST Faisalabad
The worthy adjudicators
Team KEDS closing the house
Left: Ahmed Rafay Afzal
Right: Khawaja Hassan Akhtar
Dr. Saad Mussarat (ex President KEDS) expressing his views 
Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Qazi Saeed expressing his views
One of the adjudicators, Mr. Waleed bin Shahid announcing the results
Winner English Category
Winner Urdu Category
Team Trophy: PU Lahore
And the all important: Oragnisers' group photo! :P
Photo Courtesy: KEDS Facebook group


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