KEDS 15 Executive Cabinet - The family of Rethoricians

Arfa Ahmad

Chief Coordinator

So it started in first year when I only joined KEDS because of My sister Iqra. At that time I didn't even know the basic format of parliamentary debates. But the fire and desire of making the argument and convincing others my point of view was in me which got polished during my stay at KEDS. Being the Inter class Winner for two consecutive years and making it to finals and semi finals of various All Pak tournaments I consider it secondary. As for me the real essence of KEDS is the friendships relations and the amazing time I had at KEDS. KEDS truly for me is family. And I have here the most amazing seniors and juniors. The fun we have while at various tournaments ,these are the moments I will cherish even after passing out. And yes debating itself gives you the confidence of interacting people at various levels and according to me public speaking is one of the thing we should be good at and KEDS definitely provides a chance to boost up this talent. Lastly the respect is the utmost thing which is the integral part of being at KEDS.

Fatima Qamar

This is Fatima Qamar, involved in the pursuit of Medicine and Surgery and almost scraping through the penultimate year. As a freshman, I was an eager participant of the debating society, as a member as well as a competitor. From recruiting people in the society as a GR, to speaking at various universities and winning at home the King Edward Debating League in first year, debates sure has had an impact on me and my times here at KE.
It has been an amazing experience getting to interact with a lot of other people on a similar platform and seeing new faces other than those we are forced to spend 5 years with tongue emoticon , jk.
My team mate Aleesha has been one constant that I have been blessed to have. Be it KDL with Aniqa or winning the Inter class with Anam Fatima Baji, I could not have asked for better team mates and an amazing opportunity to be friends with such people.
MUNning and Parliamentary have been a memorable chapter of my student life. I look forward to making the most of it in my final year. Insha'Allah.


Ahmad Rafay Afzal
 Assistant Secretary Parliamentary 

The first time I got the taste of the stage was when I competed in my intra - school debates . I was in third grade . I walked up to the mic and forgot my speech . I stood there and cried for 3 minutes but never left the stage .When the bell rang the teacher brought me down . When my mother asked the teacher that why didn't she take me down sooner , she said "to end his fear of doing the worst he can ,because now he's already done the worst and the only way for him now is to make it better ." From that day onward I fell in love with public speaking . The rush you get on stage ,  The exhilarating feel , when you know that people are listening to you , only you , the knowledge of your own ability to maybe change someone's life by your words, it's indescribable. 
Even before coming to KEMU I knew about KEDS through Hammad Shafi and I knew that it was something I had to be a part of .I got my first taste of parliamentary in first year , the power of logic influenced me unlike anything else . One of the proudest moment of my life was when I won my first trophy in Parliamentary , all thanks to countless hours of mentoring by seniors like Saad and Umair bhai.
I started speaking humour , just because it was difficult and very few people were able to do it . Humor appealed to me because the idea to make someone's day by enabling them to laugh at the simple realities of life is just brilliant and fulfilling .
Winning is something that seldom comes in the categories that I have chosen , but then again winning is not the goal . KEDS has been like a family , because somehow earning respect by giving it has become a tradition in the society . I'm  proud to have such people around me who respect their seniors and care for their juniors , indiscriminately. We have been at the cross hairs of controversy this year , but the house of fearless has proven it's mettle time and again . As we often say through our flashy posters ,  the power of logic is stronger than the logic of power and time will prove this statement InshaAllah .
Veni Vedi Vici...


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