KEDS at NFC All Pak Declamations and Parliamentary Competition!

KEDS was at NFCs All Pak Declamations and Parliamentary Competition ,15th of May 2015.

Shaarif Bashir (President KEDS 15):

KEDS once again proved its young Talent at NFC Faisalabad! 
Hamid Ali and Maryam Fatima, The RUNNERS UP Parliamentary Debates! Well done KE-B! 
The Other teams: 
Ruhma Ihsan and Tabish Javaid (KE-A) 
Aleena Afzal and Junaid Masood (KE-C) also put a great show! 
In Declamation, The Talented Team of Muhammad Anas Tahir andNumra Urooj broke into finals! An achievement in itself as it was Numra's first ever declamation event from KEMU and Anas broke into Finals consecutively! like emoticon
And The MUN team! Put up a great show at PNA NFC MUN! Eesha Gul and Hajra Saeed were Awarded the HONORY MENTION Award!! Too good! like emoticon
The other members of the delegation: Minahil SaifullahMeeral Mandaharand Maida Faheem were also highly Appreciated by all! Such Diplomacy Ladies and in the Debut MUN too. MashAllah

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