Team Trophy at COMSATS Sahiwal Declamations!

KEDS won the Team Trophy at Comsats Sahiwal Declamations 2015 on the 9th of April.

Syed Ahmad Raza, 1st position in English Category
Khwaja Hassan Akhtar, 2nd position in Urdu Category

Shaarif Bashir (President KEDS 15) posted:

KEDS stole the show at Comsats All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation Championship 2015 at Sahiwal!! 
Syed Ahmad Raza was awarded 1st Position in English Category due to his Fabulous Humorous speech and amazingly sarcastic expressions and Khawaja Hassan Akhtar being awarded 2nd Position in Urdu Serious Category due to his impressive speech with such confidence and style that was well appreciated by all. smile emoticon 
So proud of you guys! Really Turning out to be the Best Declamation Team that KEDS has ever produced with 2 Team Trophies in last 2 Tournaments together. 


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