[AsK]emunited: MCAT Q&A Session

The idea of KemUnited - A student blog show-casing the awesomeness of the Kemcolians - came like a light-bulb moment as one of our founder, Muhammad Bilal, was cleaning up his old books and past-papers after his last viva of 3rd year prof. What started as a resource for past-papers and study-guides has now turned into a complete go-to source for the latest campus news and updates. KemUnited has successfully carved its own niche in the student life of KEMU. It has successfully collaborated with other societies in holding multiple online events as well.

KemUnited started a premed section not very long ago. We got an overwhelming response to it, within a short period of time. The KemUnited team felt that there was widespread ignorance about preparation techniques. Most of the students relied on hearsay from their nearest friends and seniors, which may have guided or misguided them depending on the caliber of that person.
[AsK]emunited was our first step to give one-on-one advice . We received so many queries via emails, messages and comments on blog that it became difficult to answer all of them efficiently and timely. To make the procedure simpler and quicker, we present to you a 'Q&A Session' for students appearing in MCAT this year. 
Similar sessions will be conducted later for students of Matric/FSc/1st and 2nd year MBBS.

Fill out the form to submit your queries:


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