We are proud to announce that King Edward Debating Society again proved its mettle at one of the biggest and the most prestigious declamation competitions of Pakistan- ALL PAKISTAN ALLAMA IQBAL BILINGUAL DECLAMATION COMPETITION, GCU, LAHORE
We congratulate Haris Bilal Awan and Syed Ahmad Raza on qualifying as No.1 team in finals of AIBD. 
In Finals, Haris Bilal grabbed 1st position (Majeed Nizami Gold Medal) in Urdu category while Syed Ahmad Raza got 3rd position in English Category.
Left - Syed Ahmad Raza ; Right - Haris Bilal Awan
And with this memorable victory, we bid farewell to Haris Bilal Awan from the world of Declamation. With many national declamation awards to his name, he was undoubtedly one the most fearless and the most talented Urdu Speakers KEDS has ever produced. Not only was he a debater, but a brilliant actor, writer and an outstanding sportsman; and above all, a wonderful senior whose services in Urdu Declamation Category for KEDS shall always be remembered.
We wish Dr. Haris Bilal Awan luck for his professional life ahead.


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