2nd professional MCQS 2015, 2014, 2013
2nd Professional 2015 Pharma mcqs:
1. Antibiotic which caused kernicterus in baby: Sulphonamide
2. hepatic encephalopathy/portosystemic encephalopathy; the need to dec ammonia production and absorption from gut: Neomycin
3. Ampicillin and amoxicilin differ in amoxicillin having: greater oral bioavailability
4. Universal local anesthetic: Lidocaine
5. Not a nitrosourea: Methotrexate/Vincristine (the mcq maker is seriously mad -___- )
6. Estrogen INDICATED in : Prostate CA
7. Not a protein synthesis inhibitor: Glycopeptide
8. Used in diabetic coma: Crystalline zinc insulin
9. Hemolytic n positive coomb's test: Methyldopa
10. Neostigmine and pilocarpine differentiated via: Skeletal muscle
11. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors used in: Alzheimers
12. Azoles inhibit fungi via: decreased ergosterol syntheis
13. Abciximab: gp IIb/IIIa inhibitor
14. Not an anti-platelet drug: Nimodipine
15. Digitalis induced arrythmia treated by: Lidocaine
16. Neuroleptic: Prochlorperazine
17. Infiltration nerve block by local anesthetic requires: alpha agonist
18. Clindamycin is indiacted for: Bacteroides
19. Zidovudine is : NRTI
20. absence seizures treatred by: Ethosuximide
21. Which anti-seizure drug acts by inhibiting central excitatory effects of amino acids: Lamotrigine (corrected)
22. Aspirin implicated in: Reye's syndrpme
23. Blocks both alpha and beta receptors: Labetalol
24. CMV + Herpes: Foscarnet
25. Biotransformation: produces more water soluble drug
26. Raloxifene adverse effect: Venous thrombosis
27. Aminocaproic acid: used in bleeding disorder caused by fibrinolytics
28. Before using anti-muscarinic in eye, doctor should: check intraocular pressure
29. Non depolarizing blockade reversal: Neostigmine
Forensic 2015

Pathology 2015
+ most common location of frost bite
Sendups 2014 mcqs
1.which of the following will slow down AV conductionAns.digoxin
2.prokinetic property of metoclopramideAns.antagonist of dopamine receptors
3.which of the following is used for diabetic gastroparesisAns.erythromycin(ref:pg 514 mini kat)
4.which of the following is used for convulsive status epilepticusAns.fosphenytoin(exp: phenytoin can also be given parentarally bt results in cardiotoxicity theefore fosphenytoin is a safer parenteral agent)
5.which of the following is an inhibitor of Dna dependent Rna polymeraseAns. Rifampin
6.Adverse effect of Bromocriptine exceptAns Amennorrhoea( exp: it is an ergot alkaloid and can produce retroperitoneal ,retropleural fibrosis bt being a dopamine agonist it reduces prolactin and therefore will not result in amennorhoea and infertility)
7.Luminal amoebiasis is treated byAns.Diloxanide furoate
8.Which is the primary mechanism of StatinAns.Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase
9.Which of the following will convert plasminogen to plasminAns.Anistreplase
10.Leucovorin related sm MCQAns. option B. in which methotrexate was mentioned
11.which of the following is competitive inhibitor of alpha adrenergic receptorsAns.phentolmine
12.which is a non.selective alpha and beta antagonistAns.labetalol
13.which of the following is an effective mydriaticAns. Phenylephrine
14.production of hemolytic anemia due to G6PD deficiencyANs.Quinine/Primaquine ( both have the potency to produce it)
15.which of the following produces reversible gynaecomystiaAns. Cimetidine
16.BiotransformationAns.production of less lipid soluble forms
17.all of the following are true for thiopental exceptAns.its elimination occurs by drug metabolism
18.Isoproterenol produces all of the following exceptAns. Bronchoconstriction( being a non selective B agonist it produces bronchodilation)
19.which of the following produes effect by dec. migration of granulocytesAns. Colchicine
20.Which is not protein synthesis inhibitorAns. Cefazolin
21.Whichis not TCAAns. Fluvoxamine
22. which is given for diabetic coma Ans. Crystalline insulin ( ref: pg369 mini kat)
23.Beta cells produce Ans. B option ( proinsulin,C peptide, insulin, amylin)
24.Tamoxifen is used to treatAns. Carcinoma of Breast
25.Glucocorticoid cause immunesuppression by Ans. All of the above
26.Thyroid hormone synthesis and release is controlled by An. All of above
27. Skeletal muscle paralysis and relaxation by Ans. All of above
28. which is effected by strychnineAns. Glycine
29. which of the following produces oral ulcertaion and peripheral neuropathyAns.Zalcitabine
30. Beta1 symaphetic effect Ans. Tachycardia
PROF 2013
1.The term used when response to a drug is lost in a few minutes
Ans. Tachyphylaxis
2.The antiviral drug which is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase
3.Which of the following alters permeability of Candida Albican membrane
Ans.Amphotericin B
4.Azole antifungal does antifungal action by
Ans. Reduction of ergosterol synthesis
5.Which of the following opiod receptor causes euphoria and respiratory depression
Ans. Meu.receptor
6.Which of the following causes cheese syndrome
Ans. Tranylcypromine
7. Which is true regarding Clindamycin
Ans.Used in the treatment of infections caused by Bacteriodes
8.Which of the following inhibits epoxide reductase
9.Which of the following converts plasminogen to plasmin
10.All of the following are adverse effects of Bromocriptine except
Ans. Infertility and Ammenorrhoea
11.Which of the following blocks muscarinic and nicotinic
Ans. Succinylcholine
12.Which is true regarding erythromycin
Ans.erythromycin is destroyed by gastric acid
13.Which is a therapeutic and toxic indication of thiazid use
Ans. decrease blood volume
14.WHich of the following is true regarding immunosuppressive action of Glucocorticoids
Ans.Reduce concentration of lymphocytes and decrease function of macrophages and other APCs
15.Which of the following is not true regarding dobutamine
Ans. It is used in the treatment of bronchospasm
16.Which of the follwing inhibits DNA synthesis
Ans. Mercaptopurine
17.Which of the following is a pyrimidine derivative
Ans. Pyrimethamine
18.Which of the following does not increase the effects of Depolarising neuromuscular blockers
Ans. Anticholinergics
19.Which of the following causes reversible gynaecomastia
20.WHich of the sedative hypnotics cross the placental barrier
Ans. ALl of these
21.Which of the following antihistamine reduces allergy with minimal sedative actions
22.Which of the following is an inhaled anaesthetic
Ans.Nitrous oxide
23. Isoproterenol produces all of the follwing except
Ans. Bronchoconstriction
24. The prokinetic activity of metoclopramide is due to
Ans. antagonist activity at dopamine receptors
25. Which of the following is the DOC for petit mal epilepsy
Ans. Ethosuximide
26.Which of the follwing is a non depolarising neuromuscular blocker
Ans. pancuronium
27.Which of the follwing produces bronchodilation without causing tachycardia
Ans. Terbutaline
28.COMT is present in
Ans. Liver
29.Which of the following antihypertensives exacerbates angina
And. Hydralazine
30. Muscle relaxation is caused by
Ans. All of these
(courtesy: Hassan Lak, 4th year)
FOR 3rd Year
1.Which of th following causes parkinson like symptoms
Ans.ethyl alcohol
2.The mechanism of damage in avulsion laceration is
3.The wound produced by hammer is
4.Which is not true about ricin
Ans.it is not inhibited by heat
5.Antemortem fracture of hyoid bone is confirmed by haemaerrhages which are
Ans . at fracture site ?
6.Exhumation comes under
Ans. 176
7.The toxic metabolite of methanol is
Ans.formic acid
8.M/L significance of rigor mortis is that it helps in determing
Ans.post mortem interval
9.Temperature for mummification
Ans.110-220 F
10.CO affinity
ANs.33 times
11.Conduct money is given by
Ans.party who calls the witness
12.Consent is not unvalid when
Ans.taken in lucid intervals/taken one time only
13.Turner syndrome
14.Qatl without intention but death occurs during the course of an unlawful act
Ans.Qatl bis sabab
15.Head is injured with exposure of membranes
Ans.Shajjah Ammah (rupturing of membranes wasnt mentioned so its the right option )
16.Immediate death occurs in flame fires due to
Ans. chest burn ( most appropiate )
17.A patient dies due to perforation of duodenum.Cause of death
Ans.duodenal ulcer
Ans.All options correct
19.Lead diures test is used for
Ans. Lead Burden
20.Which of the following is not involved in brain death
Ans.cerebral cortex
21.Active ingredient of black gun powder
And.Potassium nitrate
22.Brown PM staining
23.Which of the following is not true regarding age of bruise
Ans. Bilirubin in 3 days ( it takes 7 to 10 days to appear !! )
Ans.24.Which is not included in incised wound
Ans.Tissue cross at base
25.Brown pigment
26.Silver value in Qisas and Diyat
27.Casper's dictum
Ans. 8:1
28.High velocity bullet will cause the least damage to
Ans. Muscle
29.Sex determination frm long bone
Ans. 70-80%
30. Psychological autopsy is conducted in cases of
Ans. Suicide
p.s : Forensic mcqs are always very tedious and unpredictable and nobody could guess their exact source.So dont panic in case you get more mcqs wrong.Regarding the book there was a book by an indian author Sumith Seth suggested by some seniors.So if you people find time then do give it a read.Its actually very good.May Allah be with you
3rd year Pathology Sendup 2013
1.Lysogenic strains are
ans.Exotoxin producing
2.Plastic wires are sterilized by
3.Beta-lactamase enzyme are
ans.Digestive enzyme/extended spectrum of Beta lactamase
4.Children at day care centers at high risk of infection
ans.enterobius vermicularis
5.black water fever is caused by
ans.plasmodium falciparum
6.oral and oesophageal thrush in AIDS is caused by
ans.Candida Albicans
7.A 30 yrs old man is having non bloody diarrhoea for 14 days .which of the following is the least likely
ans.Streptococcus pyogenes
8.A 25 yr old man complains of uretheral discharge.On microscopic examination u see neutrophils bt no bacteria.the most likely is
ans.Chlamydia Trachomatis
9.Viruses which cause latent infections
ans.Herpes virus
10.A 6 month old infant developed a respiratory illness resembling bronchiolitis.diagnosis is
ans.respiratory syncitial(option A)
11.Which of the following does not have a cell wall
ans.Mycoplasma pnemoniae
12.Characteristic of Atrophy
ans-Embryonic stem cells
14.WHich of the following induces all stages of angiogenesis and recruits macrophages
ans.Fibroblast growth factor
15.A 24 yr old women and her husband had eaten fried rice at a restaurant.After 5 hrs they develloped food poisoning.the most likely cause is
ans.Bacillus cereus
16.Which of the followiing is the most common cause of urinary tract infections
ans. E.coli
17.Which of the following is the cause of nosocomial(hospital acquired pnemoniae)
ans. Klebsiella pneumoniae
18.which of the follwoing is true regarding ischemia
ans Ischemia causes damage faster than hypoxia
19.Which of the follwing occurs after skeletal injury due to motor vehicle accident
ans.Fat embolism
20.A baby after delivery has headache,stiffneck.the organism rsponsible is
ans.Group B Streptoccous
21.Which of the following is not a characteristic of apoptosis
ans.it is only pathologic
22.Which is true regarding metaplasia
ans.it is a reversible change
23.Which free radical is most damaging
24.Whiich is true regarding metastasis
ans.Not sure( either option A or the option:anaplasia is a characteristic of Malignant tumor)
25.Which is true
ans.The tumor marker alpha feto protein is raised in hepatocellular carcinoma
26.Which is not true regarding Nesseria Menningitidis
ans.Option D(its exotoxin increases adenylate cyclase)
27.Which of the following is true regarding binding site
ans.it is formed by hypervariable regions of both H and L chain(option B)
28.The necrosis occuring in brain is
ans.Liquefactive necrosis
29.A patient has no Tcell neither B cell immunity.the damage has occured in
ans.Stem cells
30. The coagulase test is used to differentiate between
ans. Staphylococcus aureus from Sta. epidermidis
3rd year Pathology Prof 2013
1. A Thalessemia patient with liver enlargement and abnormal liver function tests.There will be
Ans. hemosiderin laden macrophages
2. Aspergillosus is detected by
Ans. Septate hyphae
3.The Granuloma is enhanced through
Ans. Gamma interferon
4.Characteristic site of haemmorhagic infarct
5.Dna Virus
Ans.Herpes virus
6.Latent infection
Ans.Herpes virus
7.Contact dermatitis
Ans. Type 4 hypersensitivity
8.Typhoi fever with titer O 1:160 and H 1:320
Ans. Acute Infection
9. Megaloblastic anemia
Ans. Diphyllobothrium latum
10.A person is infectious to hepatitis B if he is positive for
Ans. HbsAg/Anti Hgs
11.Type 3 hypersensitivity is characterised by
Ans. immune complexes deposited in tissues and not cleared by body
12. Not true for p53
Ans. UV radiation decreases its function and it stimulates the cell cycle
13.Tumor produced by gene amplification
Ans. neuroblastoma
14.Characteristic of exudate
Ans. Inflammation
15.Metastatic calcification
Ans. Renal Calcinocosis
16.Pasteurization at 62C and 30 Min
Ans. Holding
17.Dry heat
And.denaturing proteins
18.Penicillin acts at
Ans.log phase
19. B lactam ring antibiotics
Ans.peptidoglycan synthesis
20.Additional factor for tumor growth
Ans. Angiogenesis
21.A woman with immobility has reduced diameter of calf muscles
Ans. Atrophy
22.Malignant transformation
Ans. hyperplasia and metaplasia
23.Neonatal meningitis
Ans. Group B streptococcus
24. Gram negative with swarming effect
Ans. Proteus
25.Gram negative cocci
Ans. oxidase
26.Normal microbial flora
27.Stain for confirmation of Fungi
And. Calcorfluor white
28.Ischemic necrosis of heart
And. Coagulative necrosis
29.Tumor of Mesenchymal origin
Ans. Sarcoma
30.Cardiac failure cells
Ans. hemosiderin laden macrophages
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