Event Review: KEDS' 17th APDC

Ayesha Mushtaq

Class of 2019

King Edward Debating Society, better known as the Home of the Fearless, is easily one of the most vibrant societies that we have here at King Edward Medical University. This society is one that has always upheld the Kemcolian maxim of ‘Altapete’ or ‘Aim High’ throughout these years in all of its various endeavours, be it hosting of events at KE or participation in competitions outside of KE.

The latest in these series of endeavours was the
17th KEMU All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation Championship and Punjabi Takra 2016
This 2 day extravaganza was held in the New Auditorium on the 13th-14th of April 2016, where nearly a hundred speakers from all across the length and breadth of the country displayed their command over language with crystalline lucidity and eloquence.

The event was graced by a top notch adjudication panel comprising
Dr. Qasim Khan (President KEDS 2011)
Dr. Usama Talib (President KEDS 2012)
Dr. Sidra Latif (President KEDS 2013)
Dr. Haris Bilal Awan (Former Incharge Declamations KEDS)
Mr. Hammad Shafi (Former Incharge Declamations KEDS)
Mr. Waleed bin Shahid (Founding member NUST Debating Society, Winner KEMU All Pak Declamation Championship 2009)
And Mr. GM Shah (formely a part of Formanites Debating Society, FC College)
All of whom were highly acclaimed and invincible speakers of their eras.

The adjudication panel

Chairing the event were the Presidents KEDS, Syed Ahmad Raza and Ruhma Ihsan, and the Vice Presidents, Ahmed Rafay Afzal and Khawaja Hassan Akhtar, who added to the beauty of the event by their graceful presence on the stage and enhanced the flavor by their witty comebacks at the participants.

The initial round was held on 13th April, where the house was formally opened by Ali Haider Jafri and Muhammad Anas Tahir for KEDS, with an English serious and an Urdu humorous speech respectively. After which, the participants took to stage - some of whom impressed the audience and judges; others, not so much. At the end, 4 teams and 7 individual participants comprising serious and humorous speakers made it through to the final round.

House opening: Top Ali Haider, Bottom Anas Tahir
The finals on the 14th were graced by various dignitaries, including the worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Faisal Masud, honourable Staff President KEDS Prof. Dr. Asad Aslam Khan, Prof. Dr. Zahid Kamal of ophthalmology, and CEO and Regional Director Daikin Corporation, the sponsors for the event.

This day saw a jam-packed New Auditorium and a very energetic audience, who deserves all the applause for living up to its reputation of being ‘THE toughest crowd of Pakistan’. For they were wholly generous in their appraisal of the best orators around, but equally ruthless in their treatment of anyone who failed to impress them with their debate.
Ladies and Gentlemen, THE toughest crowd of Pakistan!
Representing KEDS, the house for bilingual declamations was closed by Khawaja Hassan Akhtar with a powerful Urdu serious speech that moved many of the audience to the point of tears; and by Ahmed Rafay Afzal with an equally power-packed English humorous speech that had the audience rolling in laughter with some very on-point humour. This impeccable display of oratory was doubtlessly the climax of the event, as both were met with a standing ovation and a thunderous round of applause by the audience, and these gentlemen showed the guests why exactly KEDS takes pride in calling itself the Home of the Fearless, and rightly so.

These gentlemen, the pride of KEDS! Khawaja Hassan Akhtar and Ahmed Rafay Afzal
This was followed by the Punjabi Takra, which had some very gifted speakers impress us with their serious as well as humorous speeches on a variety of refreshing topics. After this nail-biting contest, the results were declared. Top three positions in English, Urdu and Punjabi categories were announced, as were the Best Speakers of Under-19 Category. Team trophy for bilingual declamation went to GCU Lahore.

Winners of team trophy: Government College University Lahore
Best speakers Under-19 Category
To conclude with, it is imperative to state that the entire KEDS team deserves to be commended on the flawless organization of an event of such magnitude. 

The organizing committee

Pictures Courtesy: KEDS Media Portal Team

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