Pictorial Review: KEDS' 17th APDC

King Edward Debating Society held its 17th All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation Championship and Punjabi Takra on 13-14th April 2016.
Here is how the event went, as seen from behind the lens. Special thanks to the KEDS Media Portal Team!

DAY 1:

Patiala in full grandeur

Art credits: Arwa Anwar and Ahmed Rafay Afzal

The stage all set

Le 3rd Yr Organizers: "But first, let me take a selfie"

The Chairs: (Left to Right) Ahmed Rafay Afzal, Vice President KEDS; Syed Ahmad Raza, President KEDS; Ruhma Ihsan, President KEDS; Khawaja Hassan Akhtar, Vice President KEDS

Opening the house for KEDS: Top - Ali Haider Jafri; Bottom - Muhammad Anas Tahir

Team Fatima Jinnah Medical University

Team University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Team Lahore College for Women University

A supposedly "humorous" speaker from UET Lahore

Organziers group photo

DAY 2:

Achievements at the Home of the Fearless; and this list is by no means exhaustive!

KEDS Executive Cabinet
Chairs for final round of bilingual declamation

Worthy adjudicators

Team Government College University Lahore

Team Punjab University Lahore

Arrival of the Vice Chancellor

Chairs for Punjabi Takra

Some of the Punjabi speakers

Some of the judges while giving critique. (Clockwise from top left) Dr. Qasim Khan, Mr. Waleed bin Shahid, Mr. GM Shah, Dr. Sidrah Latif

Dr. Saad Mussarat, Ex-President KEDS, while expressing his views about the event

Winners of team trophy - GCU Lahore

Cute and candid! Syed Ahmad Raza and Hammad Shafi

Organizers group photo

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