Loving "Bailey and Love" - a Guide to Surgery!

- by Amna Khalil , Class of 2016

From our very first day of senior year , we were left aghast by deadly tales of last year's surgery fiasco by seniors and teachers alike.
Despite being told again and again that Bailey must be done,we still debated endlessly on the pros and cons of diving into the sea that Bailey and Love appeared to be.
We were told that it was a good idea to study as much surgery as we could in our rotation, but it was an unmanageable task as most of our time was spent just running to and fro from morning classes to emergency to evening rounds ( East Surgery, you guessed that right!)
And personally, I didn't know where to start, but read up, and In sha Allah you will!

Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim

Ward Rotation

For starters, do try and squeeze in as much topics as you can before you attempt your ward test, mostly Special Surgery and atleast do the following topics;
Varicose veins
Main topics from GIT like carcinomas, hemorrhoids
Other than this, wash up on whatever you find interesting, brush up on your history taking skills and most importantly practice methods!
Before your ward test, you must have done Dogar OSCE and Methods book, cover to cover.
You can watch the DAS videos as well, they are pretty good.

First Read 

If you are free during the summer vacations, try and give your first read then.
I was busy then and attempted to give my first read in between the easier rotations and in the prep leave.


Spare yourself the urge to delve into the Bailey/ Dogar dilemna, Bailey tou karni hi karni hai.But do it intelligently, and not only will you retain more, you will also have enough time on your hands to revise.
Most of us did both Bailey and Dogar, and if you go through our exam papers, you will see that the exam was ditto Bailey and quite tough.
Anyhow following is a list of what needs to be done from both books to attempt Surgery A.
For the first read, you need a maximum of 3 days for General Dogar, 8 for Bailey if you are rattafying one whole chapter a day plus a few chapters jin kay khaali summary boxes karnay hain, a day for Ortho and a day for Head n Neck and Skin.

Bailey and Love's Short Practice of Surgery
Chapter 2 : Complete (mark this as very very important)
Chapter 3 : Complete
Chapter 4 : Give drains and sutures a read
Chapter 5 : Summary boxes (all) , Tables 5.1 , 5.2 , 5.3, 5.7
Chapter 6 : Summary boxes
Chapter 7 : Summary boxes, "Creating a pneumoperitoneum" , "SILS", "NOTES", Prof.Naqi's slides
Chapter 8 : Summary boxes
Chapter 9 : Summary boxes Figures 9.3 , 9.10
Chapter 10 : Summary boxes, " "Audit and service evaluation"
Chapter 12 : Table 12.1 , Figure 12.2 , 12.3 , Summary box 12.3
Chapter 13,14,15 : Summary boxes
Chapter 16 : Complete
Chapter 17 : Anaesthesia can be covered from Dogar, but give a read to TIVA, RSI, EMLA from here
Chapter 18 : Summary boxes, "Sign in" , "O.T environment" , "Tourniquets", "Role of assistant",                              "Standard scrub solutions", "Sign out"
Chapter 19 : Summary boxes, Tables 19.1, 19.2, 19.4 , 19.5, "Goal directed therapy"
Chapter 20 : Complete
Chapter 21 : Complete
Chapter 22 : Complete
Chapter 23 : Summary boxes, Table 23.1, 23.2 , "Injuries - look everywhere, focused approaches"
Chapter 24 : Complete
Chapter 25 : Complete 5 first pages ( including the Monro Kellie doctrine, yes )  till Surgical aspects                        of head injury, uss kay agay sey summary boxes.
Chapter 27: Summary boxes
Chapter 28: Complete
Chapter 29 : Principles of fracture management
Chapter 30 : Complete

General Dogar Chapters 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6 , 9 (FAST, DPL) , 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23

Systemic Dogar
Orthopedic Surgery
Head n Neck


Now this can be covered from Dogar, but even that ain't an easy feat.
The way I went about it was that I gave the chapter a read from Dogar, then a read from Bailey, and would write the extra stuff on Dogar, but frankly speaking Dogar is well written and concise when it comes to Systemic surgery so you may just do Dogar alone.
It would be preferable to give "Hernias", "Arterial and Venous disorders", "Spleen" and "summary boxes of Thyroid" a read from Bailey and "Breast" a read from Washington Manual , baaki Dogar zindabad!
You will need about 2 days for Endo, 5 for Upper GIT. 5 for Lower GIT, a day for Genitourinary, a day for Breast, and a day for Vascular system In sha Allah!

Don't forget to treat yourself in between study sessions

2nd read

By the time you give your second read, the TOS will probably be out, do the topics with more weightage first and then the rest.
I was recommended MCQs and EMQs - a Bailey and Love's companion guide , frankly I didn't have the time to go through it but jis trah kay humarey mcqs and papers aye, if you have time on your hands, download this and go through atleast the important chapters

Relax, deep breaths, in and out, you have made it this far, you can do this too! In sha Allah
Best of luck!


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