The Chronicles of VIVA (the ladies) - Anatomy substage/stage

sub stage.......... sigh................sub stage...........relief..........sub stage......... weekend...........sub stage.............sports week........stage.............. This is what your routine seems like in the first two years of a medical college. So i thought maybe it would be best to pass on our experiences and profound knowledge of the teachers to our juniors. Here is an unbiased( maybe........... :p) review of the teachers we have had to face in the MURDA GHAR!!!!!!!!!!!
she is a real sweet heart . she is gonna smile at your right answers, nod throughout the viva and basically carry you through the viva very lightly and gradually progress from the easier to the difficult questions. i have never really heard her failing any one....( without reason... :D)

bbbbooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddd........... that pretty much describes how she feels or makes the student feel during the viva. but on the bright side she is one of those teachers you can be sure that you are gonna get through and if you are really good , with flying colors


She means business and no goofing around when she is taking your viva........again she does not fail without a reason but would never hesitate to do so if u act all numb and dumb around her .... she loves o ask conceptual and clinical questions.......... do the clinicals well when u have to face her


Do not expect her to be all polite , gracious , soft or understanding. even if you manage to give all the right answers the maximum she has ever given is perhaps a 61!!!!!! be really thankful to ALLLAH if u get more than 55 from her and give treat to your friends if you cross 61 ........... :D


Wonderful teacher and an ace of her subject. know your content really well before sitting in front of her she can easily range the score between 50 and 70..........


pretty much the same as Dr.shaista.


She is a really fun to give viva to kind of teacher. i was always relaxed around her and its a real stroke of luck if you have your stage with her

so these are the teachers i remember right now . I know there have been a few new ones , as soon as i talk to my juniors about them i will let you guys know................ or if you wanna know any thing else just let me know.


Rabia Zia


  1. can i pls pls pls give extension to ma'am lubna's content.. :D
    .. she LOVESSS to fail! if u get 50.5 consider it ur lucky day.. if u get 61... SHUT the book, get the first appointment with a good psychiatrist, FIND out whats wrong with u then post it HERE :D for the common interest of all! :D

  2. haha BTW we'v heard ma'am Rafia's back as the new head.. so what abt her..?

  3. @nida
    u are welcomed to add ur bit about other teachers as well......... but keep it as neutral as possible :)

    as for madame rafia we have only appeared in front of her once and that too in the prof. will give you the feed back once the result is announced!!!!

  4. Sir ashiq ka to zikar hi nai he.........jinho ne mera viva lia,sara out ov syllabus...

  5. @anonymous ...... maybe because he is not a lady....DUH!!!!!!!

  6. rabia has given so much stress on the substage marks !!!!!
    i dn know y !!!
    its dosnt even count in stage or prof...
    js try to pass.. if u do so, its more dan enuf !!!

  7. i would disagree...... i know that it is good if you clear all your substages and stages but never aim for the least possible achievement........ it never hurts to know how you can do better and most importantly trust your abilities to achieve the maximum and keep trying till you achieve it.... inshort. ALWAYS AIM HIGH!

  8. I agree with Fatima... don't freak over your substage marks... at prof time they don't matter!

  9. plz give some tip 4 viva 2 mam RAFEA....


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