IFMSA's BLS.. An event to remember

From the typing down of the final membership lists or sitting on the stairs on the last day playing weird songs from my cellphone on the microphone, this year's BASIC LIFE SUPPORT program was a roller coaster ride............ The preparations began early in April although the event dates were 26th, 27th and 28th of April . On the registration day the organizers found themselves practically drowning under wave after wave of students. With a seat limit of 120 we had to refuse alot of people but after seeing the bared fangs and sharpened talons of final year we very "willingly" stretched the seat limit to a ground breaking and first time ever 239. This included the energetic participants from SIMS and CMH as well.

The first day all organizers came looking all prim and pretty to the auditorium three hours before the start of the BLS course. But all thanks to WAPDA and the super heat in no time we all looked as if we had just run a marathon. But the enthusiasm of all the participants brought things back on track. With a recitation by Saad Musarrat the first day began with high energies. The shield presentation and an introduction to RESCUE 1122 was followed by a lecture on CPR.... The day ended with everyone blowing their lungs out into the dummies or asking," Where is the infant? where is the infant?"

On the second day things went really smooth and the participants learnt how to transport a patient of spinal injury and also how to remove a respiratory obstruction. The organizers actually forgetting to have any lunch ran like crazy in the lawns offering water to the participants ( hehehehehe this makes us sound so angelic.......) .Then came the attendance part and everyone made sure and double sure that their presence was marked as if their prof depended on it...And after every one was gone the BLS team sat down for the refreshments and rushed back to get some rest for the next day.

The last day..... the test day........ the test comprised of an MCQ and a practical evaluation....with strict invigilation being done by the rescue 1122 team it self there was pin drop silence in the auditorium....The silence was later brutally shattered by announcements of..........."batches 1,2,3 and 4 in the back room! "batches 5,6,7 and 8 on the stage!" . " the rest please wait!!!!"

The day ended with a huge round of applause for everyone involved in the event and the cherry on the cake being put by the IFMSA-LHR president Azhar Hussain who managed to whisk out refreshments for all the participants and the totally starved organizers. It definitely was an event to remember as the project director Mian Muhammad Ibrar Islam summed up the entire event with."Shukr hai yaar khatm hua!" . Now we all await the result from Rescue 1122............ Can't wait for the next BLS


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