Best Way To Relax During Study Break

After the mind-whipping episodes of arduous study hours , mind sends out a strong appeal to let it have a break. The best way to relax during a break is not do nothing but to do something entirely different , says the study experts. What can one do ? Texting ,facebooking ,watching a drama series , reading a book/blog , listening to music or sometimes watching a full-flash movie/s ; the simple entertainments comfortably available within the confines of our homes. It kills stress and refreshes the mind. But theres a little problem with them . They just don't direct you back to course books. Rather make the learning process appear more tedious, dry and torturous. Is there an entertainment that not only fulfill your enjoyment demands but also motivates you to study with more interest ,more passion? It appears , there is ! 

You see, if a book/music/movie revolves around your central aim i.e medicine and doctors-patients in light-hearted/interesting manner ,it lets you realize why what you're doing is important in the first place. It shifts your focus from the road to the destination , hence renewing the desire to keep traveling , to keep walking until you finally hit your goal. In words of Faiz Hasan Seyal , an NLP ( Neuro-linguistic programming ) expert, watching/reading/listening to the stuff that reverberate with your long-term aims helps to reinforce them in your mind , making it easier for you to achieve them.

Here's a list of internet-based entertainments that will help you relax and get inspired at the same time.

For Comic-Lovers

 Comics are essentially the best way to have a hearty laughter. Here are some of the interesting medical comics.

 How to be a Med school Gunner (click here to view more)

Thirteen types of anatomy Lab groups(click here to view more)

Should you ask a question during the lecture ( a flow chart )

Lies I was told as a med student


You can find more comics in the archives of the blog The Cartoon Guide To Becoming A Doctor . 

For Movie Buffs

If you haven't watched the movie Patch Adams yet , go for it right away. It will recharge your batteries to study more passionately.Another option is to watch Scrubs the TV Comedy Drama series. 

House recommended by Fizza Mobesher 
Grey's Anatomy by Farkhanda 

For Music- Enthusiasts

You probably know about these videos already, made by ZDoggMD and his crew of med school buddies, Dr. Harry, Doc Quixote, and Dr. Diego.Here's the intro of their music videos in their own words :

1.Infotainment, in its simplest form—using humor to entertain and educate both healthcare practitioners and patients alike.
2.The winner of the Medgadget 2010 New Medical Blog of the Year
3.Clinically proven to be slightly funnier than placebo!

A Muggle's Guide to Med School


Find more of their medical music videos at their official site.

For Reading Fans
Reading a full novel if not an plausible option since it becomes too irresistible to be put down until you have ached through the last page. Reading short stories, poems or blogs can be a good alternative. What could be better than reading true narratives from the pen of a practicing surgeon , as he tell tales  of his personal journey through the world of surgery , studies and students ( WITHOUT any technical details or medical jargon ).He writes in his personal weblog named other things amanzi . His blog won  
THE BEST LITERARY MEDICAL WEBLOG AWARD for 2010 in addition to a number of other awards.His name is Bongi and he is allergic to capital case letters. Here are some of his blog posts I found most interesting :

Do you think you are the only one who struggle to suppress laughter at the most inappropriate occasions ? Its a defense against too much stress. Read as Bongi tells you about the macabre sense of humor surgeons develop in the face of death ... 
What can a surgeon teach his students other than the technical skill ? Read a very interesting  ( and familiar ) story of how a surgeon helped his students fire the right answer to professor's vague question ( and I thought such student rescuing happens in our setup only =p )

I'm sure you'll find these links interesting. What do you think is the best way to relax during study breaks? Take a moment to type away your suggestions for the benefits of all the readers.Just a little reminder : Failing is not a crime , aiming low is !
Happy Surfing , Happy Studying

Adios ! =p


  1. How can u forget House (TV series) ? House is one of the most interesting characters in recent times !!

  2. Right till the last quote... great post Sadaf :)) I always love the cartoon guide's posts... they're hilarious =D. Instead of scrubs... try House... after each epi I rush like a geek to read its med review on Become a habit now, it has :P The med tales on it are a fun read too! Check it, when you get time :)... n hey the vid up there is just LOLz :D

  3. OMG!! hahaha what a coincidence yup... House rules (or hugh laurie for that matter) :P

  4. Suggestion Noted ! Thanks

  5. Thanks for your comment Captain ! One of your discovery ' Muggle guide To Med School ' has been added to the post too. This site seems interesting , would explore it thoroughly B)
    And House ! okay i gotta check it now :)

  6. hey woww awesome post sadaf..! im so gonna watch patch adams now..n hey u forgot 'grey's anatomy' series..i simply love this one..=)

  7. Brilliant post Sadaf. Searched out some of the stuff during the most intense hours of preparation and it was really really helpful in relaxing. By the way girl i wonder how did you forget to mention "Dhoop Kinare"? :)

  8. Thanks Anam!
    Dhoop Kinare ! Oookay ! :)

  9. well done prof season such a blog...showing u r writing lover...
    u forgot to mention ''go to bed as soon as u get tension headache''


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