Laiba Khalid’s Chronicles Return

Episode 1: Click here Episode 2: Click here Episode 3: Click here Laiba Khalid’s Chronicles return Yes I am BACK !! Can you hear THE BANG ! ! ? ? No? Never mind….. You thought the chronicles were over ?! So did I …. But those sad faces most of you made when I’d reply to your question, ‘ When is the next episode coming up ??’ With, ‘Err never. Finale means the end !’ (The last sentence obviously nothing more than a thought) & innumerable requests (innumerable because i am just too lazy to count) compelled me to change my mind. How can I dare disappoint you all? (ok nose, you can stop growing now !) And to save us some trouble and avoid all such awkward situations.... True story ! my blogs are just a click away now…. The rest can make all the weird faces they want…. second year Chronicles Nearing the end …. Incredible ! Isn’t it? 6 months have passed, the course is all done with, the society...