Of rats and soggy croissants - the ultimate hostel survival guide

One year ago , around this very same time, I entered the bounds of the the gargantuan *pun intended* Old Girls Hostel , KEMU. Neela Gunbad tu thora agy jao,tey sajey hath muro thora agy ja k aik gali wich kala gate aye da, lo agya twada hostel. The daunting black gates, the threatening curfew notice on top (which by the way is never followed so jitney marzi bajey M.M.Alam se wapis aao) and the black-clad slightly stout uncles to greet you , your first impression of the hostel would no doubt be horrible, but you already knew you were not entering into the Ritz Carlton anyways. Don't let that scare you. Hostel , at first sight, was a nightmare.The allotment was more like throwing your mattress on any piece of carpeted ground you could find and claiming that space to be yours. Thirteen girls in a single room, with mattresses side to side , was no slumber party.Sadly on our first night there, the rugby-sized rats gate crashed as well and adde...