Guiding Tips for OSPE/Practicals & Viva (1st Year )
By Muhammad Fateh Hashim Ghouri
( Guest Blogger)
OSPE Viva:
Viva and ospe prep is completely different from written . For passing a subject you have to pass viva/ospe and written SEPARATELY.
OSPE--> Netter's ATLAS + McMinns Atlas + ACKLAND Video Lectures
Link to Acland's video lectures for Gross: public/About.aspx
For Thorax:
For Embryology Video Lectures: previewearly.html
LONG slide + Viva---->long slide you Have to identify + draw the diagram
External and internal will take viva from it.
--> For Gross and embryo:
Read your whole course
1. DO ALL the bones once. Complete in one day. Important ones are(scapula, Humerous, Clavicle, 1st rib, Hip bone, Femur, Tibia) Ask your seniors to tell you your HOD fav bone. Read ALL the viva questions here on the blog.
For Thorax:
For Embryology Video Lectures:
LONG slide + Viva---->long slide you Have to identify + draw the diagram
External and internal will take viva from it.
--> For Gross and embryo:
Read your whole course
1. DO ALL the bones once. Complete in one day. Important ones are(scapula, Humerous, Clavicle, 1st rib, Hip bone, Femur, Tibia) Ask your seniors to tell you your HOD fav bone. Read ALL the viva questions here on the blog.
Models for Gross:
05/lower-limb-spotting- labelled.html
02/1st-year-spotting-resource- bank.html 02/upper-limb-spotting.html
Histology: Identification points + Slides and Hand made diagrams uploaded :
3. For anatomy viva and gross ospe+table viva is on one day. And histo+ long slide is on second day.
4. For viva you have to revise your whole course. You can use short books if your prep was good in written.
PHYSIOLOGY:Ospe + Practical--> Practical Copy
Practical--> Apparatus, Procedure precautions (20 mins)
Then Performance + write the procedure again(Rough)
Then Viva about Practical.
VIVA--> Complete Course (Firdous+Mini Guyton)
You can use short books if your prep was good in written.BUT REMEMBER you have to do the topics favorite of HOD and External from major books at every cost
1. Study your physio copy complete once. In one day.
BIOCHEMISTRY:OSPE--> Practical copy
Practical--> Apparatus, Procedure precautions (20mins)
Then Performance + write the procedure again(Rough)
Then Viva about Pratical.
VIVA--> Complete Course (U can do from Faiq)
1. Study the biochem practical copy complete.
- Lower Limb:
- Upper Limb:
Histology: Identification points + Slides and Hand made diagrams uploaded :
3. For anatomy viva and gross ospe+table viva is on one day. And histo+ long slide is on second day.
4. For viva you have to revise your whole course. You can use short books if your prep was good in written.
PHYSIOLOGY:Ospe + Practical--> Practical Copy
Practical--> Apparatus, Procedure precautions (20 mins)
Then Performance + write the procedure again(Rough)
Then Viva about Practical.
VIVA--> Complete Course (Firdous+Mini Guyton)
You can use short books if your prep was good in written.BUT REMEMBER you have to do the topics favorite of HOD and External from major books at every cost
1. Study your physio copy complete once. In one day.
BIOCHEMISTRY:OSPE--> Practical copy
Practical--> Apparatus, Procedure precautions (20mins)
Then Performance + write the procedure again(Rough)
Then Viva about Pratical.
VIVA--> Complete Course (U can do from Faiq)
1. Study the biochem practical copy complete.
Remember in Prayers n Pray Very very specially :)
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