UMT Declamations

It's another TEAM TROPHY, Ladies and Gentlemen! 

KEDS wins team trophy at UMT Declamations 2015 with the youngest team ever in the history of KEDS to win a trophy.

Numra Urooj winning the 2nd position in English (serious) category with her fearless style and flawless delivery of speech. She is on a winning streak since last few tournaments and carried the form today. Deserved it big time!
Fatima Ahmed, 3rd Position in Urdu (Humorous) category! The quality humor and her priceless expressions were a treat to watch and were appreciated a lot by the crowd and adjudicators. It was her first ever competition outside KE; Already turning pro Fatima, MashAllah.

And Syed Ahmad Raza deserves a special mention here. With his proff in less than 2 weeks; he worked tirelessly with our champions from writing the speeches to polishing their delivery and accompanied them too on both days. 
Alhamdulillah, such a pleasure to see KEDS flying so high. Keep it up everyone.


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