First Professional Part I Filza Saeed 2nd Year MBBS Assalam-o-Alaikum juniors! A cordial welcome to KEMU, it’s been 3 months though :3 but yeah, who cares, finally ám awake enough to write something that makes sense. *adaab* My my, I can clearly see those new babies in the field *-* Freshmen forethoughts be like... Nevertheless, to the point sweeties… This blog has nothing to do with the title (bcz there is nothing as clean and empty as my study table :p and what I am sharing is purely PARHAYI oriented) . Firstly, some key points to this guide: 1 1. This orientation is for the batch ’20 and onwards bcz of the staff that has changed entirely over the years. [Harper in, Mushtaq out *bites nails*] 1. It has all the stuff you need to pass professionals given in all the books of each and every subject. 2. Paper Patterns are attached alon...