By Hamza Ashraf Zia

“For me, the best vacation is just relaxing on the couch” Scotty McCreery
It was the afternoon of 30thjune, 2016 as I was in huff and buff over my holidays issue. Soon the wait was about to be over and holidays were here. College turned out to be a phantom for me as everyone went to their hometowns.  I was abuzz with plans to study in holidays. In our time, everything revolves around the  word "PROF",and so, I decided to study hard by burning the midnight oil  in these Holidays.

 I saw my car coming towards college gate, I popped up , and rushed with my bag, meeting my dad since he was there to pick me up. To hug one's father is a feeling that lasts longer than years. I was oblivious of how these holidays would go in vain. We travelled through Mall road  to home where there was plenty to do; Shopping, eating, Gaming, Relatives,  Hang outs and much more to digress me. Soon, as I entered my home, there was a huge mammoth of relatives in my dining room, delighted,I went to meet them, and absorbed into discussion. I usually talk on latest movies and politics.

Days flew past with Ramadan going by like a bullet. In mornings, I woke up at 12 PM after a lavished sehri at 4 AM in morning. This was a well spend Ramadan with appetizing iftaris, sehris along with beautiful hearing of the Holy Quran makes enthralled, and submerged in praise of Nature's creater. Holidays were going  just by eating chinese, bollones, Biryani with "tarka" along with sheer khorma. Ramadan ended and finally eid came. 

But the 3 days of EID passed so fast and till today, no study has yet began but intentions are high. They are hijacked by Shakira songs, and rating movies like Sultan, Conjuring two, and legend of Tarzan released. Moreover, some relatives coming from abroad will further evade me from the aim to complete my syllabus plus nightmares come after watching Conjuring disturbing a person psychological. Albeit, it is human psyche to walk off after things providing curiosity.

Ow, the story is that almost 6 weeks have gone by and still a standstill. After all the Eid milan parties , gatherings,and outings finally , a trip to murree  in proximity is planned. Murree will be fun with friends, selfies to tikkas to the pleasant winds of July. It shall be a refreshing moment to cherish and plan ahead. Sticking to studies in holidays is similar to climbing a vertical steep cliff.

But all I think is that Future doctors, specialists ,and consultants all require a degree of love, compassion and devotion for patients. Giving him or her, a space for relatives, loved ones friends will burgeon him for acting professionally in life. He will not schadenfreude his patients with monetary fears
In the end all I can do is to just wait for a miracle to happen. Thats the only way left now for me to study.  



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