"Residency at Doorstep" USMLE Seminar by King Edward USMLE Forum

King Edwards USMLE Forum Session:
" Residency at Door Step"
It is my pleasure to announce date for session we promised:
15th May at 9 AM to 12 PM in Patiala Video Conference Room in King Edward Medical University

All medical colleges students are invited to attend this session.

Speakers: Farrukh Abbas, Waqas Nawaz. Usama Aman

Agenda: preparation of usmle, factors affecting match, USCE, backups, USMLE while doing MBBS

Please review all videos on you tube related to USMLe by King edward Forum. This will be 2 hr session in which 1 hr will be given to speakers and 1 hr to audience for questions. 

Please consult Rashid Javed and Muhammad Mohsin Ali Dynamo of Kemunited for details

We will try to post this session as live video on facebook and later post it on you tube

Looking forward to see you all on May 15th. Please spread this new to all medical colleges forum so that maximum people can be benefitted.

To register for event, send us your institute and contact details at kemunited@gmail.com


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