Me and Flash - The mischiefs continue

Ayesha Saeed Malik 4th Year MBBS Hi there folks! I am back again with more dog tales more like FLASH tales. He is 7 months old now. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote about him. For example, how I overcame my animal fear, I don’t know if it’s only ‘my’ dog I have learnt to be not afraid of, or if this new earned courage extends to all animals… Okay so this is from a very long time ago; my brother and father weren’t home and Flash was only just a babe, we had made a routine for him where we’d take him out around 6 or 7 in the evening, every day. Now, Flash stood alert in front of our main door as per his schedule, waiting for someone to come out and play with him. In those days, I was too afraid of him to have given ‘taking him out myself’ a thought but God damn those puppy dog eyes! So, I said my Darood Shareef and Ayat tul Qursi, opened the door and then closed it the very next instant because there he was, ready to jump up on me! ‘Yikes! What do I do ...