Societies @ KEMU !!

When the dark times of the prof are over, there comes a time in KEMU when the nerds rejoice! Yes, it is the time before summer vacation, when the extra-curricular activities reach at an all-time dangerously high ! This post is meant to educate the freshmen at KE about how they can unleash their creative potential. Why should I join societies you say ? The thing is that life at KEMU is tough! Everyone needs a creative outlet to keep them sane ! You explore the fun side of Uni-Life. Moreover, each one of this society will groom you to a multitude of new experiences which will help you later on in life. How? Extra-curricular activities are an eye-catching part of your Resume/CV. Exposure to different kinds of activity will make you more confident and of course you will get to know your fellow kemcolians better and make new friends. Networking, You will get to work closely with both your seniors and juniors, and this is a great opportunity to socialize. M...