4th Yr: ENT

ahhh ..ENT ... the most dreaded and lethal subject in 4th year.....ENT is not as scary as it is made out to be... the only book u have to learn by heart is DHEINGRA... ENT has 2 units ... with Dr Azhar hameed being the head of UNIT1 and Dr Mansoor Baseer Pal the head of UNIT2.... u have UNIT 2 class every other thursday as first lecture ... BE ON TIME..DONOT MARK PROXIES and make sure u get to attend almost all the classes... the Unit 1 class ... every other wed... as the year goes by u will get to know .. has pretty much flexible attendence pattern *winks*... if u get to have UNIT 1 as ur ward u r in luck....and if not ... then i m afraid there is no better way to put it in words then U R SCREWED.... i had my ENT in the start of the year ... had sadly unit 2... passed the entire month doing nth and wasting time... then got our ward test delayed.. then delayed AGAIN the next month ... then the next one as well and ended up giving the ward test after summer break... golden advice to all the ENT 2 ward batches "DONT GET UR WARD TEST DELAYED" .. u lll end up giving it with a worst prep afterwards anyway.... so y not give it on time.... Unit 2 walas will have to do all the learning themselves... unlike the unit 1 walas who get everything served in a nice platable platter .... for unit 2 batches i m afraid its the bitter reality of a month of frustration.... dont waste time in wards *which we ofcourse did* ... make use of it .. go take histories.,... examine patients... see instruments in O.T... see the SHORT CASE VIDEO of dr pal available from kemcana and make use of it in O.P.D...... unit 2 ward test doesnt require any history copies or ENT assignments like the unit 1 ward test does... but u do need to make them for final proff vivas....

Most Imp Topics


Disorders of middle ear, cholesteatoma + chrnc otitis media, suppurative otitis media, facial nerve, acoustic neuroma, otalgia

Nasal septum, polyps, epistaxis, sinusitis

Salivary gland tumors

Adenoids, tonsillitis

Laryngeal paralysis, CA larynx, tracheostomy, foreign bodies

Dysphagia, neck masses

All surgeries inc tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, Caldwell luc operation


  1. well i disagree a little as i too was in unit 2 and had attended unit 1 class as well and i believed learning in unit 2 is more than unit 1 regarding bed side training as i remember all of our badge used to stand behind Dr. nukhbat while he was examining the patient in OPD and we all peeping into it. truly unit 1 ppl are very much into theoratical things . so its all personal choice what u like and what u prefer...cheers

  2. Agree with above...

    when the prof comes, its pretty much same for both batches. No "extra cheese" for unit 1 batch'olers !!!

  3. should we make our own assignments or we can buy it from unit 1 attendant?is there any chance of being caught?

  4. What about ENT class tests?? Can u pls cover that??

  5. Can Anyone please Improve on 4th year guide ?

  6. Can you be more specific on what is lacking and needs improvement?

  7. Wrong place to ask this question.


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