General Tips for Written Papers by Dr. Naeem Majeed

General Tips For Written Papers

Naeem Majeed MBBS (KEMU) BSc(PU) (Class of 2007)

Please refer to the past papers for a general overview of the types of questions asked, topics covered, and the marks allocated to the topics asked.

Read the questions carefully. Each question has different segments. For example if you are asked to define, give factors involved, and discuss the mechanism of any relevant topic, definition will have its own marks (usually 2), factors will have marks of 1 or half per factor (depending on the number of factors, and their importance), and the remaining goes to description. 2-4 marks are allocated for diagrams (if relevant).

You may think that you have covered all the aspects of the topic, but still when it comes to marking, you don't get the expected score... it might be because you missed some points... or maybe the examiner couldn't see them...

To rule out the option of 'points missed by the examiner', make sure that each and every key point is adequately highlighted... Use colored markers... Write in the form of points (numbered or bullets) instead of paragraphs... If writing in paras, underline the key points...

There is absolutely no harm in attempting the entire paper with markers [yes, use pencil markers, not board markers :)]

I hope you know this by now, attempt the questions you know the best, first... it doesn't matter if each question is to be marked by different examiners... Examiners do see how you performed in other questions... so, its still a good idea to attempt the best ones first... moreover, it gives you a moral boost up that helps you attempt the questions you do not know...

Don't panic... and I mean it... even if you don't know a single question, you still may be able to attempt the whole paper... just don't panic... Start with the question that you know something of.... even if you don't know anything of a question, write something, at least the definition and whatever you remember about that topic... You will be credited for that... no matter how less credit you get, its better than a zero...

And please be neat, at least your headings should be clearly legible...

And last, but not the least... Pray... Pray and Pray... that's the key to success in medicine... we have seen miracles happen :) Trust us... But don't rely on prayers alone... prayers work when you put in some effort... ;)


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