KemLife Tips: Managing Multiple Societies at one time:

Farkhanda Qaiser

Remember the early days of 1st year when all the kemcolian societies came to your class to introduce themselves...? You felt like joining each and every one of them after watching those musical presentations about their achievements and events...but something or the other always stopped upcoming substage or stage, the fear of failing in physio or of missing classes after you joined those societies...
That's what the majority of kemcolian nerds always feel in 1st year but things change considerably with every passing year...You see those same people making CVs, applying for posts and rejoicing on getting those posts...then a new life starts for them: the kemcolian society life...Making announcements in class, doing publicity by pasting charts on zero point, being organisers in mushaira, sitting on the registration desk in declamation contest, shooting pictures for KAPS during sports week, hosting the KELS events, collecting money for SPWS bake sale and a myriad of such activites become part of your daily life...
and you realise you had been missing out on a very important aspect of life in KE...
you may be drop dead tired every day...
you may feel like you've perhaps overdone with joining all those societies...
but at the end of the're a more complete person, a more polished kemcolian...
afterall medical life is not all about anatomy, physiology and biochemistry...(for the 1st 2 years atleast)
P.S. this last line doesnt apply for the PROF season cuz then it IS all about these dreary subjects...


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