Your Weekly Dose of Kellogs

If you've been religiously following KemUnited over the past few weeks(which we know you have) and if you read this here post(which you probably did), you're probably aware of the fact that with the swearing in of KELS(English) executive body for the year 2011, the two biggest blogs of K.E, KemUnited(the official blog of KE) and Kellogs(an initiative of King Edward English Literary Society) have been synchronised. Therefore, starting from today, we'd be bringing forth on KemUnited your weekly dose of Kellogs - two or three Kellogs posts that'd serve as a much needed food for thought for you to munch on and enjoy.
So dear audience, let's begin the show. This week from the Kellogs archives, we've selected for you three very special blogposts written by your fellow Kemcolians. Just click on the links below and get ready to have the the time of your life! Here we go...
That's all for this week folks. Do let us know your thoughts on the posts and on this weekly feature that we've started. And for all those budding young writers at KE who'd like to post their writings on Kellogs, just drop us a line at We'd be more than happy to have you abroad.

We'd sign off with this interesting thought of the day, a quote by Woody Allen:

"It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens."

Till next time folks!


  1. hey...!!! good idea...!! way to go..!!

  2. the whole idea is super refreshing.. kinda gives me this kemcolian reader's digest's impression!
    haha its like cherry on the top for this blog home! :)

  3. my picture is uploaded with the wrong cation, the caption was for the other pic that hasnt been uploaded. kindly correct it.
    jawaria irshad
    3rd year


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