Your Weekly Dose Of Kellogs

Kellogs Weekly's running a little behind schedule this week. We won't offer any excuses and justifications dear reader. Just our sincerest, most heart-felt apology. And a faint hope that our absence was deeply, sorely and painfully missed!
Kemcolians who've been keeping an eye-out for the notices adorning the college walls would probably know that the KELS English Interclass Mastermind Quiz is just around the corner. So keeping with the times, this week we'd be bringing forth for you from our Kellogs archives, an interesting account of the intercollegiate mastermind quiz that was held last year. It was a terrific event and we all had such great fun! Read all about it here and relive the beautiful moments once again.
And since no event at KE is ever complete without a bucketful of photographs being taken, distributed and inspected inch by inch, here's our own little photo gallery with the KELS event covered in great detail on film. Look at their proud faces dear reader. And the gleam in their eyes. Team work(and hard work) really does show, doesn't it?
We'd part today on a somewhat sombre note. There'd hardly be a Pakistani who wasn't shaken by Moin Akhtar's death a few days back. I've been watching video clippings of some of his most famous performances on Youtube these past days and the more I watch, the more I'm bereft of any words that I could conjure out of my pen, which could serve as a fitting tribute, some lines of carefully phrased eulogy that could convey in form just how big an artist he was. And I think it's only fitting that I can come up with absolutely nothing except a hope and a prayer that he finds peace in his new resting place and that the legacy of honest expression, enviable wit and pithy humour that he's left behind is passed on to coming generations, intact and unblemished. Here's to a man who knew the art of capturing the darkest bits of grief and enfolding them in sugary, bite-size wrappings of golden humour and clever wit and refused to kneel before bitterness and resignation. May God bless him!


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