
Showing posts from August, 2011


By Farkhanda Qaiser MBBS 1 st PROF Part I SEND-UP Examination 2010 Time allowed: 2 hrs & 15 minutes Attempt all questions: SEQs: Q1: a) Classify the enzyme inhibition along with examples. (4) b) What is biochemical importance of line weaver burke plot, support your answer graphically? (3) Q2: Enumerate 5 major nucleotides in human body and explain their biochemical importance. (6) Q3: a) Define and enumerate glycosaminogylcans? (1) b) Elaborate their structural and functional relationship. (2) c) Compare and contrast the structure and functions of hemoglobin and myoglobin, support your answer graphically. (4) PBQs: Q4 : A 70 year old lady suddenly developed fracture of neck of femur, without any history of injury. a) What are the possible causes of fracture? (1) b) Discuss the sources, distribution, types, absorption and transport of calcium in the body. (6) c) Elaborate the functions and regulation of calci...


By Farkhanda Qaiser As the HOD of physiology has changed this year so there maybe slight modifications in the important topics this year. I guess Maam Mehr un Nisa must have stressed upon the topics that are really important so my advice is do not ignore the guess that has been given by her…!!! And the rest of the tidbits are the same as I’ve given earlier. 1 st Prof Part I Annual Examination 2010 Time Allowed: 02 hours and 15 minutes. Attempt all questions: SEQs: Q1: a) Give mechanism of genesis of resting membrane potential. What is the effect of hyperkalemia on this potential? (7) b)

1st Year IMPORTANT TOPICS (Anatomy)

By Farkhanda Qaiser Okay finally here it is. The all-important guide for the 1 st year students. I’ve compiled all the prof and sendup questions of last year as well as the remnants of class tests that I had. But before you go on to read them, keep in mind the following very tested tidbits: For profs, NEVER leave any topic untouched and unread. Go through all topics so that in viva, you have atleast some idea about what the examiner is asking. NEVER lose your sendup question paper because there are high chances that some of the questions will be repeated in profs as you can see in the following example of anatomy question paper and same goes for the MCQs. Most of them are repeated. So here’s what we had done, in our facebook class group, we had made a discussion topic, and everyone told the MCQs of sendups and discussed them. Well, you may think us nerds or whatever but trust me that discussion proved very fruitful for all those who participated in it. I think enough has bin said abou...

Clinical Electives Vs. Research Electives

By Dr. Umar Tariq. Take with permission from All the rules of generalization are wrong. Before everything, finalize the specialty of your choice! And if you find a research elective in the specialty of your choice, go for it e.g an elective in rheumatology wont be of any use if you plan to be an opthalmologist.... I personally believe on the basis of all the information I have that a research elective LOR from Opthalmology is way better than a  clinical  elective LOR from Rheumatology for getting into an Opthalmology program...

Important Terms: Electives, Observership, Clerkships/ Core Clerkships, Sub-Internship, Residency, Fellowship

By Dr. Umar Tariq. Take with permission from Many students are mistaken when  Universities  tell them that we don't offer clerkship or you must complete all your clerkships before doing electives.... just because they don't know the difference.... so I am  creating a webpage  just for basic terms! Electives : Any optional ward rotation done... clinical electives in  usually  final year of  medical school  in Pakistan and others and in pre-intern year in India... research electives can be done anytime! These includes rotations like radiology, cardiac surgery, chest  medicine ... that are not compulsory! Mostly US/ UK electives are done to get good reference/ letter for your future job/ training positions. Observership:  Any ward rotation in which you observe/watch the attendings, residents, fellows or other medical students but you are not allowed to touch/examine the patient yourself or participate in an...

Electives in USA - Frequently Asked Questions

By Dr Umar Tariq. Taken from Which Documents we need to apply for electives? Depends upon the university you are applying to. Usually it includes the following: Completed  Application Form Completed Health Form with Titers, Mantoux Test report and Immunization Certificate Health Insurance Malpractice Coverage Personal Statement CV Letter of Intent Cover Letter HIPAA certificate OSHA certificate The first two are required by every university and few of the remaining are required by some universities  in addition to first two. Thats why it is always advisable to contact Electives Co-ordinators before sending your applications. You dont want to send incomplete applications are be rejected. Which Documents we get after electives? You should try to get a proof of your elective from the university. Some do give LORs and some dont... if you dont impress them. Its always better to get a LOR alongwith an Evaluation form signed....for y...

How to prepare for USMLE & Residency Application Process - Lecture presentation


Thought Factor For Teens

KELS book club brings you an interesting book 'Thought Factor For Teens ' written by Fazal ur Rehman  of   3rd ye a r M.B;B.S . Its power packed eleven chapters offer an insight into the importance of our attitude in life . Adorned with comics , quotes and interesting accounts of his & his friends' experiences at K.E , its a must read for all !                          View the e-book here

United States Clinical Experience: Observerships in USA explained ! by Izzah Vasim

Hi everyone,my name is IZZAH VASIM and I am currently a student of M.B;BS-4th Yr at KING EDWARD MEDICAL UNIVERSITY,LAHORE.I recently did an OBSERVERSHIP in FAMILY n INTERNAL MEDICINE at STAFFORD,VA,USA.So, I thought I might share my experience as in how I got it,what is the benefit of it in a long run etc.This may certainly be a useful piece of information for those of you who are looking forward to pave their careers in the US medical sysytem. (P.S=THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS PURELY BASED ON MY  PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND CONTAINS AN AGGREGATE OF THE INFO THAT I GATHERED FROM VARIOUS RELATED WEBSITES ON THE INTERNET.) So,let me start  by clearing some of the terminologies as far as the USCE is concerned in general; 1) WHAT IS MEANT BY USCE?        USCE stnds for  UNITED STATES CLINICAL EXPERIENCE and that can be in the form of  clinical electives,research electives,observerships,externships. 2) WHAT DO THE ABOV...