4th Year: Pathology Past Papers Sendups Prof
4th Year: Pathology Past Papers Sendups Prof
Sendup 2008
Prof 2007
Prof 2008
Prof 2009
Prof 2010
Sendup 2011
KEMU Pathology Prof 2011
KEMU Sendup 2011 MCQs
KEMU Sendup 2011 MCQs
KEMU Sendup 2011 MCQs
KEMU Sendup 2011 MCQs
KEMU Sendup 2011 MCQs
KEMU Sendup 2011 MCQs
KEMU Sendup 2011 MCQs
1.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
2.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
3.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
4.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
5.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
6.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
7.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
8.Sendup MCQ 2012 |
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Sendup 2012 |
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Sendup 2013 |
Patho PBQs from past papers. Probabale answer given in brackets
1. 2 yr boy since 4 days had
temperature and today he had red spots and bleeding gums.exam reveals
petechial skin rashes,generalized lymphadenopathy n mild spleenomegaly?
cbc shows 20% blast cells (AML)
2. 65 yr M, lyf long cigret smoker,presents wid pain in ryt
leg.on exam leg z cold ,pale,femoral pulse z weak,distal pulses
absent,3 yr H of angina n atrial fibrillation,5 yr H f intrmittent
claudication? (co arctatiion of aorta?)
3. 50 yr M,obese, HTN+, hevy cgrette smokr past 20yrs, experience excruciating chest pain,breathless,cayanosd,persp
ires profusely,drops sudenly unconscious..? (MI)
4. 4 yr boy with anasarca,protienuria,hypoalbun
emia..no abnormalty on lighy m/s?? (Mnimal change disease of kidney)
5. 55 yr M ,pain and redness in ryt biig toe? (gouty arthritis)
6. female ..5yr histry of morning stiffness,swelling of
small joints gradually procesd to foot,ankle,wrist folod by
deformities..xray shows narowing of joint space? ( RA)
7. swan neck deformity,radial deviation of wrist,swollen knees,reduced joint space,loss of articular cartilage? (RA)
8. OBESE, wid frequent urination
glucose= 225mg/dl
ketones= -ve
sp gravity= 1.025 (DM type 2)
9. 55 yr FM in emergncy wid masv ascities, H of malena, H
of tooth extraction frm quak 8 yr bak..lfts derangd..ultrasonography
shwd nodularity in liver??? (CLD with hep C or hep B)
10. 28 yr M wid 3 yr H of rectal bleeding.colonoscopy shws
nodularity,erythema ,edema limited to ascending and transverse
colon.biopsy frm desending n sigmoid colon shod mild patchy chronic
inflammation and crypt distotion.biopsy frm rectumwas unremarkable? (
Ulcerative colitis or inflam bowel disease)
11. 35 yr M wid progressiv stupor and H of typ ! diabetes?
proteinuria,hematuria wid PROMINENT LOBULAR ACCENTUATION and
12. 68 yr fm intrmittent constipation,wt loss,swollen
abdomen,no blod wid bowel motion..3 yr bak she was found to hv 2 polyps
of sigmoid colon,removd with histo of tubular or tubulovilos
adenoma.ba.enema shows irregular sticture..tumor is dignosd ..tumor
resectd and was found to hv invaded full thikness wall bt z completely
exsizd..3of 15 lymph nodes containd metastatic tumor?(adenocarcinoma of
13. 50 yr wid famly histry of xeroderma pigmentosa presents wid mutiple ucerated leisions? (BCC)
14. epigastrium pain ,wakes him up at nyt,relievd by antacids nd food? (duodenal ulcer)
long H of dyspnea ,wheeze pptd by cold,stress, resp infection ,relievd by bronchodilatrs n steroids? (asthma)
15. drug abuser wid jaundice n derangd livr functions
cazativ agent? (hep C or Hep B)
16. 4 yr child from mediterranean regn,wid hepatospleenomegaly..crew cut app in xray, Hb=4.5mg/dl? (thalasemia)
17. HTN+ M,pain in chest,radiates to bak n mov lowr down?(aortic disection)
18. is dafa wala ductal tha ya lobar? and iron deficiency
anemia? ( lobar carcinoma as indian file pattern is in lobar carcinoma)
19. 65 yr M, lyf long cigret smoker,presents wid pain in
ryt leg.on exam leg z cold ,pale,femoral pulse z weak,distal pulses
absent,3 yr H of angina n atrial fibrillation,5 yr H f intrmittent
claudication?( coarctation of aorta without patent ductus arteriosis?)
20. 50 yr M frm KENYA numerous skin leisions,oral
leisions,lymphadenopathy,..histology shows smal lvascular channels and
slit lyk space scontaining rows of RBCs.chanels are lynd by pleomorphic
endothelial cells containing round ,pink,cytoplasmic globules..many
lymphocytes,macrophages n heamosidern pigment seen in bakground?(kaposi
21. 20 year old female presents with H/0 leg pain and a
mass at knee.X-ray knee joint reveals a lytic lesion at proximal tibia
giving a soap bubble appearance.What is the likely diagnosis?Name other
malignant tumours of the bone. (giant cell tumor)
22. 61 year old man had a dull ,constant back pain for 3
months .He recently developed a cough productive of yellowish sputum.On
physical examination there are crackles at the right lung base.A pain
film radiograph of the spine reveals several 1 to 2cm lytic lesions of
the vertebral bodies.How will you proceed with this patient? ( multiple
23. 62 yr FM wid H of UTIs presentd wid pain in ryt loin..on
plain abdominal xray,there z opacity which distends pelvicalyceal sys?
wat name z givn to the structure filling her ryt pelvicalyceal sys?? ( may be stone)
24. .A 50 year old man has noted passing darker urine for
the past week.On physical examination there are no abnormal findings.A
unire analysis shows pH 5.5 specific gravity 1.013 no protein and no
glucose.Atypical uroepithelial cells seen in cytology.Bladder shows no
abnormality .He has a 60 pack year history of smoking cigarettes.what
is the likely diagnosis? (uroepithelial tumor)
Thank you v much.