Top Eat-Outs around KEMU: Guide Re-Invented

Top Eat-Outs around KEMU: Guide Re-Invented
Tour through a Changed Road by Taroob J. Latef

Nothing stays for long, the good or the bad. Anarkali, in the face of its ever changing map sadly couldn’t stay put as described in Farkhanda Qaiser’s very popular 2011 guide.
Top Eat-outs Around KEMU - 6 April 2011

This is a 2012 version, bleaker perhaps than last year’s, mentioning only the changed, disappeared and the new.

Neither changed nor disappeared or new. But Yesss! The legend that is Alkarim still deserves a mention for staying evergreen as it has. That little thing has been to students what perhaps no other spot will become. Through thick and thin and by that I mean the times with and without a uni khoka, it has been nothing but loyal to all of us.
Popular Items: Bun Makhan Shaami, Chicken Rolls, a continuous supply of Wavy Lays in every flavor, Milo (not Alkarim’s own creation duh but a very substantial source of its income)
The Rage: Bread Roll

- Competition to Alkarim
Encouraged by its success, others followed suit. And so be it Dynamic bakers or other little shops, we have a refuge in them when the queues in front of Alkarim become dreading. Hilarious but vital.

Lovely Burger and Popsy Burger
Too bad that the much talked about spot closed down and that I among many others have not been able to experience it. Though I have wanted to, since I read about it.

Rangola Fried Chicken
Gone, suddenly and unexpectedly but gone it has.

Piccadily Cafeteria
The campus’s very own café and a place that outsmarted many. From becoming a hangout for us between lectures and a luncheon spot that you rush to, to get a table in break (girls with a graver consequence otherwise =p), the café has quickly made itself indispensable. While having a complete array of usual snacks, it also caters to full meals like biryani, chicken qorma and whatnot.
Popular Items: The usual coke samosa
                          A fresh juice and milkshake corner, only a waiter’s call away.
                          Omelette burgers and sandwiches
                          A Mr. Shawarma, with his unique terms of ‘Half Plater and Full Plater’.
The Rage: The Salad Bar, with not only salad but chana chaat and fruit chaat.
New Arrival: French Fries

Gudoo Finger Chips (Winter Version)
This place is only a cart. But it is the sweetest eat out without a competition. With the fresh, most generous helpings for the most negligible prices. Our day is incomplete without it. It takes extra marks from me for being the only spot outside campus premises with access from inside. Mr Gudoo has a man appointed outside the bars of Patiala gate only for this purpose, to take orders from inside and run back to the cart with them. And it is quick service indeed.
Popular Items: French fries, Samosas and Rolls
The Rage: All three mentioned above.

Gudoo Ice Gola (Summer Version)
Refusing to compromise his popularity with the heat of April, this is a summer innovation. And Gudoo or not, a gola like always, is not in need of words. 

Red and Green Chillies
Two surprisingly similar outlets, similar menus, almost similar prices and more surprisingly sponsoring each other at times. With Green Chillies being a little more kind on our pockets and Red Chillies being a tad kinder on our taste buds. They run a crazy, almost 24/7 delivery service. Because after all is said and done, nothing beats a KFC-imitated Zinger Deal.
Pizzas are something that both the places recently elaborated after the response they received last year which perhaps they were not expecting with Pizza Hut right next door. It has become a common item of treats on campus.
Popular Items: Shawarmas, Paratha Rolls, Biryani.
The Rage: The Zinger Deal. The Pizza Deal. Can’t choose.

The GolGappa Point
This is right at the entrance to food street. Their quality and taste have no parallel and every person who has been to Food Street would agree. Those who haven’t would atleast have heard of it. A dozen of crispy gol gappas with the best khatta for Rs.50 definitely calls for us to show up at the place twice every week.
Popular Items: Juices, papri chaat.
The Rage: Golgappas itself.

Cock N Bull
The name needs no introduction. Not exactly an eat out around the premises but a very popular place among kemcolians, exclusively hostelites engaged in running an express of goods.
Popular Items: Shawarmas and Chinese.
The Rage: Cheese Paratha Roll

The places at driving distance as mentioned before have held on to their roots, thankfully so. The most popular among them being Salt N Pepper and Pizza Hut, with Salt N Pepper holding on to the lead.

Salt N Pepper – Mall Road Version
A place close at hand where you can dine in with little pre planning and when you are tired of the usual burger shawarmas and are in a mood of a big, elaborate meal. Though I am sure that the tax they include in the bill is increasing in direct proportion to their popularity on campus, Salt n pepper is perhaps the only restaurant of its kind within a 5km radius. With its equally popular continental and Chinese, give their Pepper Steak a try.
Most Ordered Item: Their combos, VIP, Super etc.
Most Popular Delivered Item: Cold Coffee

The rest of the works, the juices, the shakr kandi, the lemonades, the bhunnay huay channay, the food street nashtas will always be the ‘something at hand when you just feel like chewing’ or an excuse to bunk lectures and are here to stay. And that is perhaps what Anarkali will always be known for best.

Read the part 1 by Farkhanda Qaiser here


  1. alkareem piccadly popsy burger .. and u call it GUIDE RE-INVENTED ? for real ??
    CHEAP :/

  2. Re-invented, true that. Finally the list has been renewed with some good additions like the Cafe and Guddu Fries. Good Job taroob.


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