BakeSale 2012

S tudents' Patient Welfare Society hosts once again the most appetizing week of the year, the week of our BakeSale. . Here's us presenting you the BAKESALE 2012 !! All for a Cause !! This year its the I.C.U. and H.D.U. of West and South Medicine Wards of Mayo, that we aim to upgrade through the funds of BakeSale 2012. Last Year Stats .. 1st Day, 2nd Year generated Rs. 68950/- 2nd Day, 1st Year Rs. 45945/- 3rd Day, 3rd Year Rs. 126105/- (Last Year's winners) 4th Day, Final Year Rs. 44780/- 5th Day, AHS Rs. 26000/- 6th Day, 4th Year Rs. 25230