Final Year Surgery Exam: Important topics

Final Year Surgery Exam: Important topics

Paper Pattern

SURGERY A paper includes = 
Complete General Surgery + Abdominal Hernias + Surgical Oncology + Basic Anesthesia + Traumatology + Orthopedics + Skin/Subcutaneous Tissues + Vascular Surgery ( Arterial, Venous and Lymphatic Systems) + Oropharyngeal/Salivary Glands
SURGERY B paper includes =
 Abdominal Surgery+ Breast + Endocrine systems + Cardiac Surgery + Neurosurgery + Plastic Surgery + Pediatric Surgery + Urology + Chest Surgery + Radiology (as in vivas usually)+ Surgical Anatomy

Surgery Paper Subject Distribution (Latest 2012)
Paper A – 135 Marks

Surgery Basics 
Resuscitation / CPR
Fluid & Electrolyte Balance
Skin Soft tissue infections
Surgical TB
Blood Transfusion
Sterilization, Asepsis
Peri-operative care
Common Emergencies
Trauma & Orthopedics
Anesthesia & Critical Care
Vascular Surgery
Abdominal Hernias

Paper B – 135 Marks


Head & Neck
Upper GI
HBP, Spleen
Lower GI
Pediatric Surgery


Plastic Surgery

Surgery Paper A - Important Topics

  • Blood transfusion complications, 
  • Shock management, 
  • Haemorrhage,its types,complications,management, 
  • Wounds,classification of wounds,tissue repair steps,management of wounds,
  • SIRS, 
  • Surgical infections, septicemia,
  • GCS,
  • Water intoxication syndrome,
  • Electrolyte imbalances ie hypo,hypernatremia,hypo,hyperkalemia,alkalosis,acidosis, 
  • Enteral route feeding,total parenteral nutrition(TPN),
  • Disinfection,sterilization, 
  • BURNS, 
  • Arterial n Venous ulcers,
  • Sutures,
  • Preop and post op complications.

Abdominal Hernias : 
  • Causes of hernias, 
  • Composition,
  • Classification of hernias, 
  • Inguinal hernia,
  • Umbicial,
  • Paraumbical hernias,
  • Incisional hernia,
  • Femoral hernias(less common)

Anaesthesia : 
  • Complications of general anaesthesia, 
  • Names of agents used for GA,
  • Steps to be monitored during anaesthesia,  
  • Local anesthesia complications,
  • Epidural and Spinal anesthesia.

  • Steps of diagnosis of cancer, 
  • Principles of chemo therapy,radiotherapy,adjuvant,neoadjuvant therapy, 
  • Complication of chemoradiotherapy,
  • Steps of management of cancers

From Prof Arshad Cheema's Notes available from college photocopy shop.
Skin/Subcutaneous tissue:  ,
  • Scars,
  • Keloid,
  • Hypertrophic scar,
  • Cellulitis,
  • Boils,
  • Furuncles,
  • Carbuncles,
  • Tetanus,
  • Gas gangrene, 
  • Cyst,
  • Sinus,
  • Fistula,
  • Marjolins Ulcer,
  • Squamous cell carcinoma,
  • Basal Cell carcinoma(Rodent Ulcer), 
  • Malignant melanoma, 
  • Retroperitoneal sarcoma,
  • Lipoma, 
  • Soft tissue sarcomas.,
  • Diabetic foot.

  • Difference b/w subluxation and dislocation, 
  • Fractures, Classification, general management of Fractures, Diagnosis of fracture, its healing,comlications of fractures, 
  • Rotator cuff tear,
  • Tennis Elbow,
  • Fractures of humerus bone (esp the supracondylar in children n shaft fractures of adults), 
  • Colle's Fractures, 
  • Hip dislocations, 
  • Fracture of femoral neck, 
  • Tibia Fibula shaft fractures.,
  • Treatment of acute osteomyelitis,
  • Brodies abscess,
  • Madura foot.

Vascular System :
  • Ischemia of lower limb, 
  • Claudication, rest pain, 
  • Doppler US, 
  • Duplex scan, 
  • Amputation(vimp), 
  • Gangrene, 
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm(AAA).

Venous = 
  • Varicose veins, 
  • DVT, 
  • Venous ulcers.

Lymphatic = 
  • Lymphadenopathy, 
  • Causes of swollen limb, 
  • Causes of lymphedema.

Salivary Glands/Oropharyngeal diseases : 
  • Parotid swellings, 
  • Complications of parotid surgery, 
  • Treatment of cancer Lip, 
  • SSC of tongue, 
  • Classfication of Sialdenitis, 
  • Pleomorphic adenoma, 
  • Warthins tumor.

Surgery Paper B - Important Topics

Abdominal Surgery : 

  • Merits n demerits of laparoscopy, 
  • GERD,
  • Achalasia,
  • Carcinoma Esophagus,its management, 
  • Carcinoma Stomach, lymphatic drainage of stomach,
  • Peptic ulcer treatment 
  • Surgical,management of melana,hematemesis,
  • Dumping Syndrome, 
  • Gastric outlet obstruction,
  • Amebic Liver abscess, 
  • Causes of liver abscess,
  • Causes of hepatomegaly,
  • Pyogenic liver abscess,
  • Hyatid cysts ,
  • Caroli's disease, 
  • HCC vimp Hepatocellular Cancer, 
  • Causes of splenomegaly,
  • Indications of splenectomy,
  • Choangiocarcinoma, 
  • Injuries to the bile duct, role of US in biliary system,ERCP vs MRCP, 
  • Choledochal cyst,choledocholiathisis,
  • Gall stones,causes,complications,
  • Acute cholecystitis, 
  • Laproscopic cholecystectomy, 
  • Strictures of CBD, 
  • Obstructive Jaundice, 
  • Contents of Calots triangle, 
  • Adenocarcinoma GB, 
  • Acute pancreatitis, 
  • Ranson scoring system,
  • Pseudocysts,
  • Complications of pancreatitis, 
  • carcinoma head of pancreas,
  • Acute peritonitis,
  • Subphrenic abscess,
  • Meckels diverticulum,
  • Ulcerative colitis, 
  • Crohns disease,
  • TB of small intestine,
  • GIT Fistulas, 
  • Stomas, 
  • Carcinoid syndrome, 
  • Juvenile polyposis, 
  • Colorectal CA, 
  • Dukes classifciation of colorectal, intestinal obstruction vimp complete, 
  • Appendix vimp complete, 
  • Rectal prolapse,
  • APR,
  • Sphincter saving procedures,
  • Pilonidal sinus,
  • Anal fissures,
  • Anal fistulas,
  • Hemorrhoids/piles,
  • Anorectal abscess,
  • Low level,high level anal fistulas. 
  • Testicular tumors, testicular torsion. 
  • Varicocele,
  • Hydrocele,
  • Management of cryptorchisim.

  • Neck Swellings: 
  • Classification of neck swellings, 
  • Branchial cyst, 
  • Thryoglossal cyst,
  • Cystic hygroma,
  • Collar stud abscess, 
  • TB lymphadenitis, 
  • Acute lymphadenitis., 
  • Enbloc neck dissection

  • Abnormal nipple discharge,
  • Breast Cancer, 
  • Mastectomy,
  • Fibroadenoma, 
  • Metastasis of breast CA.,
  • Sentinel lymph nodes.

  • Thyroid sweelings,
  • Goitre,
  • Hypo,hyperthyroidism,
  • Medical,surgical management of thyrotoxicosis, 
  • Retrosternal goitre,
  • investigations for thyroid,
  • Thyroidectomy,indications,
  • complications,thyroid cancers,treatments,
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 
  • Thyroid Eye signs, 
  • Causes of hypercalcemia,
  • Tetany,
  • Surigcal management of hyperparathyroidism, 
  • Pheochromocytoma.

Cardiac Surgery: 
  • CABG, 
  • Saphonous vein graft, 
  • Role of surgery in valvular heart diseases.

Pediatric Surgery 
  • Cleft lip,
  • Cleft palate,
  • Club foot, 
  • Duodenal atresia, 
  • Neural tube defects, 
  • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia,
  •  Hypertrophic Pyloric stenosis,
  • Tracheoesophageal fistula,
  • Undescended testis, 
  • Biliary atresia,
  • Hypospidias.

Neurosurgery : 
  • Spina bifida, 
  • Disc prolapse, 
  • Extradural hematoma,
  • Subdural hematoma,
  • Hydrocephalus,
  • Brain abscess, 
  • General management of brain tumors.

Plastic Surgery: 
  • Burns, 
  • Flap, 
  • Grafts, with examples n types, 
  • Ladder of Pain, 
  • Cleft lip,
  • Cleft palate.

  • BPH, 
  • Prostate cancer, 
  • Suprapubic cystostomy,
  • Causes of hematuria,
  • Renal cell cancer, 
  • Renal TB,
  • Hydronephrosis,
  • Renal stones,
  • Acute urinary retention,
  • Urethral strictures.

Chest Surgery: 
  • Chest tube insertion indications, 
  • Pneumthorax, 
  • Lung cancer surgery, 
  • Empyema thoracis.

Surgical Anatomy: 
  • Liver, 
  • Thyroid, 
  • Breast,
  • Stomach,
  • Gall bladder, 
  • Duodenum.


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