Choosing the path to glory.. KEMU AIMC or FJMC..

A Step Further…By Unsa Athar

Note: The Article has been written by a student who has not yet started her professional medical education. So If some professionals have strong disagreements to her ideas, Please ignore her:-P

“So if it is so important to have an end in mind, how do you do it? The best way I have found is to write a mission statement. A personal mission statement is like a personal credo or motto that states what your life is about. It is like the blueprint to your life. Countries have constitutions, which function just like mission statement. And most companies, like Microsoft and Coca-Cola, have mission statements. But I think they work best with people.” says Sean Covey, in his book The 7 habits of highly effective teens.
So why does Covey and a dear teacher of mine (who lent me the above mentioned book to read) emphasize so greatly on writing mission statements? Well now I know why. Because when you vow to do something and you write it down, it gets embedded in your mind then and nothing ever  can make you change your mission. But sigh, I never did so. I was too busy with my FSc :/ . I just knew that my mission at that particular time was  to work for a seat in KEMU-the den of kings and queens. And finally, when Allah bestowed upon me a good score in mcat I ended up confused which college to choose as my first priority.

.That was all because my mission was  never clear to me as such and different opinions by different people always put me in tension. FJMC was like the “college-next-door” to my residence in Lahore so my father advised me to prefer it as ‘aaney jaaney mein asaani ho gi’ and there was also the hype about AIMC being a better college academically. Well I do not know any facts and statistics that favour it, and never did I get a chance to talk to someone who preferred it over KE (though I know such a person) and the truth is, deep in my heart, I never wanted to search about it. KE was my dream and I never wanted to look for something against my dream institution.
 So I decided to ask people whom I knew to  certainly give me an unbiased opinion. And I would like to share it with people. Fateeha baji straightforwardly said:
“Nai yar!! Ke e acha h. Jo b hai pehla merit k.e ka e hota!! K.e ka naam h ek. Aimc b acha h. But if you have the choice tau ke ko e prefer krna chahiye. At least thats what i think:p”

Anum baji studies in FJMC and says:
yar ke best ha
go 4 ke”
The best answer was by Maimoona baji:
“Kemu is not perfect but it IS the has flaws, but which system hasn't? kemu is not my favourite place but if i'm given choice,i'll choose it again.but if u choose to come to kemu keep two things in mind.first that many ppl think its some sooper dooper institute and get really upset when they come here especially hostellites" second " once u have made choice by ur own will then never regret it,
best of luck dear”
After reading her reply, I remembered something a board topper (and a now a kemcolian) once said about gcu:
“pgc mein parhai bohat achi hai. But gcu has given us a history”
And I think that same goes for KEMU. In fsc, I didn’t require a history. But now I do need the best institution’s name on my degree.
So all those people who will have this confusion next year and so on, first Thank Allah for He has given you a position where it is upon you to make a choice and then make it clear to yourself where you actually dreamed to study at :)
All the best…!

Ohkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy. Its been a year now at KEMU ( going through the deadly prof turmoil these days) and I now  can say it out loud that I do NOT regret my decision even a teeny tiny bit. Studying medical is easier here than the uhs because the system is simpler. Through out the year, KE has helped me polish my talents. Kemcolians are hell fun to be with. Seniors literally rock here. KE has got everything for everyone; Study-facilitation stuff for nerds (aka theetas in med-language) and lots and lots of societies for people adept in all kinds of stuff.
So as a preference KE it was for me, KE it is for me, and KE shall it remain always!

All the best Batch'18! 


  1. u r doing a great job for the future mcatians :)

  2. clink the link below to ask any question


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