Students' Patient Welfare Society hosts once again the most appetizing week of the year, the week of our BakeSale. Here's us presenting you the BAKESALE 2012 !!

All for a Cause !!
This year its the I.C.U. and H.D.U. of West and South Medicine Wards of Mayo, that we aim to upgrade through the funds of BakeSale 2012.

Last Year Stats ..
This money was spent on the upgradation of East Medicine Ward of Mayo under limb-I and South Surgery under limb-II. Limb-I was completed on 27th July, 2011 with the following successful installations:
1.Up gradation/ complete overhaul of central air compressor system.
2. Up gradation of 2 cardiac monitors.
3. Up gradation of 3 oxygen ports.
4. Up gradation of suction machine.
5. Up gradation of central suction system and piping.
6. Up gradation of 1 ventilator.
7. Up gradation/repair of 2 X-ray illuminators.
While the limb-II was completed on 27th March, 2012. Upgradations:
1. Donation of 1 cardiac monitor
2. Donation of 1 ventilator
3. Donation of 1 defibrillator
4. Donation of 4 pulse oxymeter
5. Donation of 1 ICU air compressor
6. Up gradation/installation of central suction system
7. Installation of new compressed air piping system throughout the existing ICU structure.
2. Donation of 1 ventilator
3. Donation of 1 defibrillator
4. Donation of 4 pulse oxymeter
5. Donation of 1 ICU air compressor
6. Up gradation/installation of central suction system
7. Installation of new compressed air piping system throughout the existing ICU structure.

Last Year total installments were approx. 4 LAC 60 Thousand Pak. Rupees under the very able and inspiring guidance of the President 2010-2011, Rafeh Saeed.
How it All Began ??
First ever BakeSale in K.E.:
Back in 2009, one genius mind came up with the idea of treating Kemcolians and at the same time chaining the funds for the best of humanity !! The Presidency 2009-2010, Dr. Syed Furqan Haider Shirazi laid the revolutionary foundation of Charity BakeSales in King Edward Medical University.
Since then, each year Students' Patient Welfare Society use the funds generated majorly by bakesale and other donations to upgrade some part of our mother teaching hospital.
An account of Bakesale 2010 and its upgradations:
BakeSale Format :
Each year comes up with a theme according to which they dress up and do the decors. The decision of variety of dishes, their prices and the amount depends on the project managers. SPWS admins provides the disposibles and ice. Money generated is handed to SPWS seniors. The class can additionally donate as per choice.
Project Director, Managers and Organizers 2012 :
Project Supervisors: Umair Ahmad, Shafaq Tabassum, Rukhsana Khalid
Project Managers:
4th year--Anum Asad,Hafsa Baber,Ahmad Basirat
3rd year--Ayeza Jabbar,Humaira,Farkhanda,Saira
2nd year--Nida,Nazeeha,Ali zargham,Umar Ijaz
1st year--Haroon Rashid,Hamza Arshad,Ruhma Ihsan
Project Organizers:
4th year--Anam Tassaq,Arooj Fatima,Kanwal,Sadia,Neelum,Amina
3rd year---Abeera, Haris Zia,Haseeb,Iqra Saeed,
2nd year--- Bakht,Arslan,Hamza,Hannan,Bilawal,Fawad,Ali hassan,Munis
Anam tanveer,Shahbano,Hajira iftikhar,Wardah shabir
1st year---Aleesha kainat,Saba sabahat,Sarazainab
Zain ali,Kashif saleem,Rafay khan,Fahr,Maheer,Taha,Ahmad bani sadar
Chief Collector: Omer Farooq
Ass. Chief Collector: Usama Iqbal
Date, Time and Venue
29th May: Final Year
30th May: 4th Year
31st May: 2nd Year
1st June: 1st Year
2nd Year: 3rd Year
4th June: AHS
Time: 10am-2pm
Venue: Pharma Lawn
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