The Epic Adventure Begins

The Epic Adventure Begins:

First day at KEMU!
Muhammad Salik

This is how it started on the very first day at KEMU.

 Rising early.... taking a hot bath. Grinding teeth with tooth brush for the first day in the most prestigious medical institute...... had breakfast and here we headed to the dream of our life, K.E… Entered K.E.. the beautiful architecture of Patiala block… the students in white coats…such a delightful sight…. And we don’t know where to go… thinking fast what to do….-click- be smart and ask someone…. “Baji where is the welcome speech taking place" eyes full of fear of getting fooled but heart still believing that this is K.E and the seniors here are the brightest, most respectable students of all Pakistan so they cannot do such horrible thing like ragging....... and as expected of our senior female students they gladly showed us the way to the auditorium. "Go there and then there and then turn left and you'll be in front of the Auditorium." Your mind telling you 'See seniors here are not that bad, in fact they’re nice'..... looking for the Audi here and there and yes it's where the Baji told me to go......wait a minute….. what,, it's the washroom in Patiala block..... uhhh ....... O.o......-but it was actually funny and enjoyable-... So we started our search again…..nobody to guide us.. even senior females fool you, what worse can happen than this and I am already late on the very first day...... okay never mind let's try to ask the senior males they will definitely understand a boy...... "bhai where is the Auditorium" ...... again looking at you with scary and hungry eyes. Replied," go right straight and then there is the zero point ... ask anyone there he'll tell you right away"… yeah that's it, these seniors are incredible, so nice and loving ... just their eyes are a bit scary... --and firstulas don't know when they're waking straight into the trap-- yes trap because zero point is the den of the big lions and lionesses where they trap the new sacred chicks and sometimes ducklings..... as soon as you reach the zero point all the things that wait ahead of you are both censored and uncensored. So when you pass the entry test and get admitted in K.E and enter K.E on the first day only then you can find out what happens at the zero point. Well it’s not that scary but it is that scary. So we went from washroom to zero point, from zero point to anatomy dept, from anatomy to another washroom, and from there to the old auditorium. Finally we managed to make it to the Auditorium.

After that first fooling encounter…. moving slowly with fear in our mind we made it to the auditorium…. And you don’t know how glad the news was that only first year were to stay and be in the auditorium and nobody else was allowed in….. ahhhhh -sigh of relief-…… with all ears we heard the --special warm welcome-- wali speech by the V.C,,> sorry let me make a little, I mean a little correction….  ---the welcome speech on KEMU history and the same as always wali speech-- (meant no disrespect, our V.C is a great person, it’s just student-student fun thing ;-)  . So after that all the other teachers welcomed us to K.E, telling us how we were the ‘Cream De La Cream’ and the Bestest students of Pakistan in the Bestest Medical institute of Pakistan. Then to our great disappointment we were told to head to the physiology department for the studies will begin today and right away…

This was all about the tough journey the first year made from the Entrance gate to the new auditorium... which are in fact only 25 to 30 step away from each other… so in this little distance we had gone through a mile of difficulties….. AND THIS WAS JUST THE BEGINNING………. :-/

So I think you all can imagine what did happen to us all on the long, long journey to the physiology department because to reach physio dept. we had to go through all the depts. in K.E. because nobody in first year knew where the dept. was but everybody knew that wherever it was, it was nowhere near the ZERO POINT…. But still again to our great disappointment we had to cross the deadly zero point in order to reach the physio dept. and God knows what happened there….. It was like lambs moving in a herd (first year) and lions jumping in the herd and grabbing the weakest lamb they could find( seniors)…. The scene was historic, like the ones we see in National Geographic…… Even here the lions had come from their dens(hostels and homes) just to hunt down the new stock of Firstulas….. :-} ……. So some were forced to dance, some to sing, some to do a particular salute or addab in case of Senior Females, some were robbed of their money while some were robbed of their cloths….. by clothes I mean the overalls or the Doctor’s white coats….. don’t take it to the other side…..  :-p nobody was spared in this deadly encounter.

Then came the physio dept. and the best thing about it was that there was a little shortage of space for sitting so the teachers called to everyone in a loud voice, “Doctor Sahib thora squeeze in please” hahahaha :-D (I just can’t control it) it was just hilarious…… it sounded awesome as well as funny…, “Doctor Sahib idhar tawajo krain”.  :-D….

Well afterwards the same thing as written above got repeated every time we left one dept. for the next lecture in another dept. the same zero point, the same deadly seniors, the same lamb and lion show, and the same introduction by that dept. and at the end of the day all the first year students were confused and scared to death as they knew that they will come to the university tomorrow again for the same ragging and with the same fear in their minds…….

The Epic first day of an Epic Adventure ends here….. but now after the fun things let’s move to what we liked about K.E. The New Auditorium was awesome…. And the knowledge that we will study in an institute with a history of 150 years that means one and a half century, and of course the best institution was great…. The LAPTOP FORMs were the best… and the rain that saved us from the seniors is also worth mentioning... if I miss something I’ll consider it next time…..

 But it is a fact that time is always required to get along with any institute because we have problem which we have to resolve with the knowledge that comes to us afterwards… Girls had the hostel issue, day scholars had the transport issue, everybody had the seniors issue, hostelites had the  extreme ragging issue, students had the books and study issue…. But most of these issues were resolved soon enough. And seniors went along better than before.... So now all the first year looks unto a great five year journey together at K.E, expects a lot from their seniors and especially we all are looking forward to……… THE LEGENDRY WELCOME PARTY………… :-D don’t forget it folks it’s the best part of first year…………


  1. What an amazing descrption to the incidents of our first week!

  2. greattttttttttttttttttttt maza aa gya!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D


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