K.E. At A Close-Up

by  Huda Iftikhar ( 1st Year, MBBS)

Its been almost two months in K.e for us frist years by now and already it seems like our second home! Like it or not, It pervades our life.
          We are still learning how to survive in this cruel world; full of threatening substages, spottings and tests. Every new substage seems like a bombshell and the recent spotting has proven to be the 'icing on the cake' (as the result will soon prove ;))! Who could have thought that one minute can be soooo small!!! To top it all, even the much- much-awaited sports week and welcome party alternate with physio test and stage:( Thats fun for you!!!
         In this regard, I have to mention the superb seniors, who console us after our pathetic spotting: "kuch nhi hota, hmari bari me saari class fail thi"! Honestly, seniors are the greatest asset for the freshmen. With their slogan of "bus chill kro, tension nhi leni", as well as golden advice from past 'experience' of teachers and tests, they make our lives a lot more bearable. A huge thanks to our awesome seniors (especially my bus wali bajis :) ).

           The most irritating and depressing feature of K.E is its rich stock of 'theetas'. Occupying the front rows of every class, these can always be seen penning down the most drowsing and bizzare of lectures and answering every question while you stare at them,  eyes popped open and jaws dropped. Whereas you hardly manage to study your B.D at home, they gobble up their guytons and ganongs, Lasts and Snells as well as all other books that can be found in Zubair and Union book shops. But the most infuriating thing is when they say, with that smug smile on their face: "Mujhe to kuch bhi nhi ata, fail hona he me ne..hehe"! It reminds me of the quote :" Some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them " (if u know what i mean;) )!!!!!
           Some of the highlights  of our session so far include:
*  The start of kemlife of the first years coincided with the coldest winter in lahore for the last few decades!
* For the first time in the history of K.E, the exciting tradition of elections for C.R and G.R was not followed. Instead they were selected on merit basis (and what a commotion that created!). But i am glad to say the class has finally accepted this decision gracefully :)
* The first years have been titled 'the most badtameez class' of K.E by the seniors. Now they have a great responsibility of maintaining this title;).
* We all got our personal laptops as well as guard of honour at a grand ceremony at alhamra complex. Unfortunately, the 'creme of the creme' did not even get proper seats and got their laptops after a long wait of 2-3 hours in the queue. So the next best thing to getting the laptop was chanting slogans of "Imran Khan Zindabad" after getting it  ;P.
             But K.E, despite its hectic routine, excruciating substages and some 'ahem ahem' teachers, is still K.E! With its grand patiala block, majestic pigeons, lush greenery and classic look, it manages to imprint its mark in the hearts and souls of all of its student. And when people call you 'doctor saab' and uncles and aunties question you about their various diseases (even when u know even less than them;P), and especially when your parents feel proud that you belong to them, the happiness and pride you feel compensates for everything!!!
       In the end, I'll like to say: "O K.E, thou art great!!!" (or in our mother tounge, Oye K.e, tussi great o!!! :D )


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