Laptop distribution ceremony

LapToP ShahBaz Da..!!

A short review of the ceremony by KHAWAR 


PHOTO CREDITS: (Naurez Qasim, Abdul Rafay, Awais Raza)

2nd February, 2013 was the day when 1st year along with some seniors of 2nd round were to get LAPTOPS, gift (merit ki Jeet :D) from Mian Shehbaz Shareef.

Students were called at SHARP 7:00 am at KEMU. But it took 10: 00 am for the administration to verify the list and allow the buses to depart for their destination i.e ALHAMRA CULTURAL COMPLEX in Qaddafi Stadium lahore.

What happened at the destination is a whole new scenario!
Students were an hour behind the schedule. Passing the main entrance with a zeal in heart for getting a laptop ahead lead them to face the utter hustle and bustle. No seats for KEMCOLIANS at all. (though specified but some bunch of people occupied them. Cream de la Cream ko liftein hi koi nai =( )


Whole of the 1st year MBBS of our KEMU was restrained from entering the Stadium.
 Students on their own, especially CR and Head of event organizing committee (Salman Imran Butt) performed their role for getting place for students on the steps. Until then the musical part was over and the boring part was going on. Inshort, fun component was already gone.
   KEMCOLIANS on steps of ALHAMRA !!

Then began the speech of Hamza Shehbaz! It was quite a zealous one, though boring but endurable to an extent.
Before the speech, some of the girls went outside to get their undertaking signed and were told “ap tou line bnaen, ap ko farigh krein.” They texted further people And hence started the laptop langar at the booth while inside Hamza Shahbaz khitab kr rahey thei.

Only " Khawaja Hassan Akhtar " was awarded with a laptop on the stage. Kemcolians screamed and hoooted at the top of their voices for their Pride ;)

KEMU stall had a deuce of gangling queue
 Slowly but steadily students were given their laptops and this was how the zest ended in dust. It took almost 4 hours. Students tired of standing and sick of appetence returned hostel at evening. CR reached hostel at almost 6 pm.

This was how the ceremony went. Missed the beguilement but got the LAPTOPS.

CR(Ali naveed Malghani) and GR (Zabreen Tahir )of the class should be given special gratitude for their efforts that day. Stood with their class till the end, and along with with their organizing committees were the last ones to receive laptops. May ALLAH bless them with courage and determination to work like that for the class in the future.

The photographs say it all..

     The Crowd:

The guard of honour :

 Hamza Shareef
 Nadeem Abbas
  The Laptop Langar

People who got laptop on stage :


  1. Just keep penning down all you experience bachey (Y)

    Well done. :)

  2. the whole first year got laptop or only the ones who got top positions in boards?


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