Students at KEMU

by Syeda Kanza Afzal
1st Year MBBS

Comic Credits : Unsa Athar

Almost two months have passed since I first entered the world of K.E. A whole whirlpool of things has happened since. From Oath-taking to ragging, from the KAPS society to the KEDS, from the Kemcolian stickers to the hoodies, and finally from sub stages and tests to the Welcome party! (Hurrah! :D) All the moments spent at K.E gradually become sweet memories that hum along as we keep busy in the monotony of life. Anyhow, in the past two months, I have discovered that not all the students of my class are the same; they show much diversity! So here I am, trying to sum up what I feel should be the classification of students; and this, I am sure, is not only applicable to the first years but the seniors as well.

 1) Full-Time Theetas:

 This category of the students is most often found in the first three rows of the lecture theater. Noting down every single word of the lecture, they nod and shake their heads at the appropriate times at whatever the professor is teaching. They make neat notes and are seen capturing picture of each and every slide! They then surprise the class by asking such questions that others are caught unawares. They even answer all the questions while the rest are trying to hide their faces or pretend they know the answers as well! :P


2) Dedicated Theetas:

 These are the students who attend all the lectures but do not always bury their faces into the huge volumes of medical books. But they are often the ones who top the substages and tests, as they secretly study all night at their homes. They manage to talk to their friends, and may even be sometimes found bunking the classes! However, they are almost as adept at answering the weird questions as the full-time theetas.

3) Mid Theetas:

 The mid theetas includes students such as me. :D They try to attend all the lectures and tutorials to make sure that their attendance is full. They may even sometimes get full marks in the mcqs portion of the physio test. :P However, during the boring and tedious lectures , they are found to be sleeping or exchanging the latest songs via Bluetooth from their friends. Some resort to playing games on their cell phones. ;)

Dedicated to you, Kanza Afzal ;P

4)The Farigh Awaam:

 Last but not the least is the “farigh awaam”. These students enter the hall when only ten minutes are remaining of the given lecture; then keep standing at the entrance and show their Mr.-I-am-so-cool faces to everyone; and leave even before the other students have handed over their attendance slips! At other times, they may enter at the correct time, but then their cell phones “accidentally” start playing songs… If still their souls do not rest in peace, they try to crack lame jokes in the class and annoy the teacher by their general rudeness. How they manage to pass the sub stages and tests is still a mystery to me though!

My reaction when I see the most farigh awam getting 60+ in a substage..!!


  1. lewel ay boss.......aaaalaw

  2. wonderful description :)))

  3. Awesome.... <3


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