Courtesy : Class of 2015 Anatomy Major Ext.Neuro:dura,folds,contents,venous sinuses Csf production and drainage,dural nerve supply,arterial supply of cerebellum,lesions of cerebellum..AP:features of stomach,attachment of lesser omentum on liver,contents of portahepatis,extrahepatic biliary app. its blood supply,cholilithiasis,sigmoid mesocolon attachment contents sigmoid colon arterial supply.... Int.HN:structures passing through foramena,venous sinuses,sup vena cava formation,lymphatic drainage of tounge,most common site for cancer in tounge,nerve supply of toung,larynx cartilages,cartilage involed in vocal cord formation,main cartilage for speech,abductor of larynx nerve supply,cause of origin of recrunt layrngeal,ligamentum venosum formation,development of liver,development of diaphragm, batch E, Ext: spleen, borders, impressions, pelvimetry, three conjugates, obstetric, true and diagonal, identifying male from female pelvis, medulla, nuclei present...