To be at a place at which THEY were...

This blog has been written for three people, so if only these three of them read and like it, I would be more than happy :)
Unsa Athar (1st Year)

Saad Javed

M. Awais Aftab


I live in my own world. I have a built an imaginary world around me, where I add the things I love and remove the things I hate. I imagine. I dream with open eyes and that’s the li’l secret that makes me different from others.
I find solace in my imaginary world. And it is the place from where I get the Inspiration to make the real life like the one in my dreams..

It was one shiny day during my teenage; a Harry Potter poster in a girl’s hand caught my eye. Ran towards it and being a mad Harry Potter fan I noted down the magazine that had the poster.
It was the US magazine, The News.
Since that day, I fell in love with US.  US has been a special companion of my teenage, it has helped strengthen my dreams because it introduced me to two of the most AWESOME guys of this world. Saad Javed  and Awais Aftab.
Saad and awais bhai-s, the most brilliant writers of US . This blog is dedicated to your awesomeness. Your writings have had a great impression on my mind. You’ve helped me in ways you know not.  The most fascinating thing about you both is that you were KEMCOLIANS. I remember, once the winners of the KELS ENGLISH SHORT STORY WRITING COMPETITION were printed in US and I kept looking at the pic of KELS with awe and admiration. You people made me wish for KE more desparately. I always wanted to come up to KE , to be a writer and a KEMCOLIAN simultaneously.
I look up to you, both as a writer and a kemcolian. I wish to be like you.
For a girl with humble backgrounds and many dreams in her eyes, you were the limelight. If someone asks me the reason for preferring KEMU, one of it certainly is that my favourite writers belonged to KE.
The feeling of achievement is indescribable, when you dream something with open eyes and succeed in making it true. I dreamt seeing myself in your shoes, And now I am on my way to it =)
But pity, when I have come to KEMU, you both have graduated from here L

And now mentioning the person who made me feel one with KemLife, the trademark of AWESOMENESS, Muhammad Bilal.
You have done so many things for this stupid girls in ways you know not too :p
Getting admission in KE was not the end, I had to make my place here.  And Bilal bhai, you showed me the path. Giving space to my articles in KEMUNITED when the merit was not even out, tolerating my idiotic questions, answering with so much patience and wisdom, telling me the DO’s and DON’T’s of KemLife.
KE k safar pe gamzan meri gaari ko Dhaka lga k start kraya hai aapne, I am so obliged to you for that.
I was going through a tough time those days, when you , by giving my articles importance, elevated my spirits. You gave new dimensions to my talent.
I read your article in KEMCOL, Flashbacks of a Fool, and I realized you were inspired by someone, you dreamt, dreamt to be different and you achieved that. This added another reason to the list of ‘Why I am your fan’ ;P You not only yourself took the inspiration so beautifully but also passed it on to all the juniors in a manner that they’ll always owe you. At least I will!
I will always be obliged to you for showing me the true meaning of being a kemcolian and the ingredients of AWESOMENESS!
JazakAllah Khair to all three of you =) May Allah grant you the success of both the worlds!!


  1. Wow ! that's such a warm and grand acknowledgement. :)

  2. Dear Unsa. I am so mortified. You shouldn't have.

    There are stories everywhere. Around you. Me. About you. Me. Everywhere. And so many of them too! I am sure, I'm so sure, I have nothing to do with your being in KE. It's your story. It's your dream. It's for you to live it.

    I'm so glad you got to meet Bilal, isn't he fun? And I'm sure we'd have had a swell time, had we met or worked together under the umbrella of KELS. You have no idea how grateful Awais and I are when we read KemUnited or Kemcol and get to hear how well KELS is doing. It brightens up my days. Makes me feel there is legacy. And that I was a small part of it. That on this trail, some footprints are mine too.

    Your days are your canvas. Study. Work hard. Ace your tests. Write. Recite. Play. Read. Edit. Speak. Sing. Paint yourself a pretty little life. We did all that. Here. In KE. Can you believe it? And you must too! Take care of KELS, will you?

    I can not wait for a very interesting life to unfold before you. And I can not thank you enough for being so generous.

  3. Dear Unsa,

    It's very humbling to be one of the three addressees of this post and it makes me glad that what we did had such a positive impact on your life. I totally agree with Saad here. Where you are, and where you will be in future, is the fruit of your own talents and efforts.

    The Kemcolian literary tradition is long-standing and one can never do enough to promote it and pass it on to the next session. Saad and I were fortunate to have promising and capable juniors who carried on the great work with even more vigour and passion (Bilal among them), and looking at the first and second years active on KemUnited and Kellogs makes me feel confident that this process will go on.

    Life in KE can be pretty hectic and often frustrating. Yet amidst the lectures, wards, tests, profs and extracurriculars, subtly and unconsciously, one matures and finds a voice of authenticity, great bonds of friendship, love and memories, and if one is lucky, the respect and admiration of fellows and juniors. To you, Unsa, and all your fellow students, I wish you a fruitful and rewarding life as a Kemcolian. Keep the literary culture alive. And my gratitude once more for this warm and affectionate piece of writing.

  4. oh yes, Bilal bhai IS so much fun =) Thankk you so much for the words of Wisdom.. you both shall always remain my fav.writers :) :)

  5. :) In Shaa Allah we'l come up to your expectations and take KELS to new heights.. Thaank You :)

  6. Unsa....2 words describe my response after going through your piece: Utter surprise. Your introduction to the Us magazine, your impression about this duo of elephantine authors n their association to KEMU being one, big substantive reason (along with few others)for your turning up here, made me feel that it's me whose life story you are narrating; like a voice which though unheard before touches some secret cords, your words made me relive those days when almost 4 years ago, I entered KE with same inspirations....of emulating the 4 great people, who i knew were cradled by this institution: Saad Javed, Awais Aftab, Faiza Hameed n Sabahat Ahmed.
    And i remember the time when on my 1st day in Anatomy lecture theatre, i couldn't help smiling as words from Saad bhae's ''from the last bench" kept echoing in the nooks of my mind....that piece made me survive, rather enjoy the boring histology lectures all through the year n spoof rather than scoff at the oddities of the crowd in which i was newly submerged.
    And presently my eyes re-view the moments when i used to read out Saad bhae's (heart-to-heart)s to my mother in our kitchen while she cooked n laughed simultaneously. I remember Awais bhae's verses which me n mama often tried to fathom together... i remember Faiza baji's 2 particular essays which i translated to my baba jan...Infact, for quite some time they were the only 'contemporary writers' i could relate to n look upto after my unwilling withdrawl from the Classics.
    And though everyone lives their own dreams but undoubtedly some people are like that gust of wind which blows the sails forward n thus aid the inexperienced captain in his steering through straits...n so, deserve to be lauded as you, Unsa have fairly done.
    Although i have not been an active member of KELS till now (purely on account of my not being as prolific and proficient a writer as i could wish to be), i appreciate the efforts of those who laid down its founding stone with the purpose of refining literary interests n those who are continuing the tradition or aim to do so.

  7. :') this made me cry... feels amazing to know that some one has the ditto same feelings about something as u do..Thaank you for sharing it,, made my day =)

  8. I am so glad we have juniors like you who actually know the meaning of inspiration and practically do it :)

    Bilal bhai has been a WOW thing for me too since my first day at KE. I remember he sent me to LUMS for declamation and helped me a lot. I had a stage the next day but he convinced me to still go to LUMS and represent KEMU, and also said that my stage would go fine. So the result of his encouragement was that I performed awesomely in LUMS plus I topped the stage :D :D :D So thank you Bilal bhai :)

    Unsa, I am sure we are gonna have a great time ahead with you Insha Allah :) (Y)


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