SO you are YOU thinking of pursuing medicine as a career? If yes, the undergrad open day will surely give you a clear idea on what it takes to be doctor...It's not another boring seminar!!! The King Edward Medical University Open Day offers you an insight to undergrads medical life, a key on how to get into K.E.M.U after doing A levels or Fsc, Details of courses offered here, 1st hand stories of STEM alumini and people who have managed it here after a real strong competition, workshops like "so you think you give a diagnosis?" to give exposure to undergrads about life as a doctor...and some more fun stuff like videos and songs etc..

Here People Comes the Undergraduate Open Day I mentioned in my first ever article on MCAT. A chance for all the fsc and a-level people along with the matrci and o level ones, to get to know both sides of the picture of medicine and KEMU.
Its a chance for you to know what KEMLIFE holds for you. Trust me, being there and listening to all the doctors telling you about the life of a medical student and a kemcolian, makes you wish more desparately work with more zeal for acing the mcat :)
K.E.M.U isnt just all about books!!!there's more to it than just that:
When the dark times of the prof are over, there comes a time in KEMU when the escaped prisoners of prof rejoice! Yes, it is the time before summer vacation, when the extra-curricular activities reach at an all-time dangerously high !

Why join societies you say ?
The thing is that life at KEMU is tough! Everyone needs a creative outlet to keep them sane ! You explore the fun side of Uni-Life. Moreover, each one of this society will groom you to a multitude of new experiences which will help you later on in life.

Its also a chane for you to know what kemcolians think about and did in MCAT
Be there folks!

Participants must register themselves on 


Registration is on first come first serve basis.

For details



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