First Year- Important stuff for prof/send ups

  • Courtesy: Syed Ahmed Raza, Ayesha Shahid. 2nd Year

  1. Cell
  2. Epithelium ... Its anatomical location...
  3. Conective tissues
  4. Lymphoid tissues
  5. Cartilage Histology
  6. Bone
  7. Muscles
  8. CNS
  9. PNS
  10. Blood vessels .... histological differences
  11. Skin (Identification of thick and thin skin)

Outline of Biochemistry syllabus (for 1st year MBBS)- summarized according to lectures delivered...
  1. 1. Introduction to biochemistry (Scientific Methods in Ch# 19)
  2. 2. Cell biochemistry (Cellular transport and Methods to study cell biochemistry; Ch# 1 included)
  3. 3. Acid-Base balance and Body fluids (Ch# 13+14, volume 2 Mushtaq)
  4. 4. Carbohydrates (Ch# 3)
  5. 5. Proteins (Ch# 4)
  6. 6. Nucleotides and nucleic acids (Nucleotides and their structure, Biochemical role , Synthesis of Purines and Pyrimidines, and their clinical role, structure, function and types of nucleic acids) (Ch# 15)
  7. 7. Lipids (General aspects)(but Eicosaniods and their role in health and disease; ch# 29, volume 2), (cholestrol in detail, clinical importance of Steroids) (ch# 5)
  8. 8. Enzymes (ch# 6)
  9. 9. Hemoglobin (synthesis, types, function, 02 binding, bile pigments, clinical porphyria, hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice, causes of hemoglobinopathies) (Ch# 11 not complete, volume 2)
  10. 10. Vitamins (Ch# 1-5, volume 2)
  11. 11. Minerals (Classification: micro and macro minerals, biochemical role; Ch# 6 volume 2)
  12. 12. Biochemistry of GIT (Ch# 10)
  13. 13. Bio-energetics (Ch# 7-9).

  •   MCQ's=5
  • . SEQ's=1 (5 marks)
  • . LEQ's=1 (10 marks)
Syllabus (with respect to KLM)
  1.  Ch# 1-7
  2.  from Ch# 20 (teratogenesis, effects of various drugs, Numerical and structural chromosomal Abnormalities, various syndromes) are included


Time= 2:15 min
Choice= NO
Marks= 50


Basic cardinals (Toheed, Risaalat, Akhirat) + Principals of Islam (Namaz, Zakat)
General topics (Ittehad-e-Ummat, Halaal-o-Haraam, Amar bil Maroof...)
Ethics (Gheebat, tuhmat...)
Human rights

IMPORTANT QUESTIONS as per Dr. M. Yahya...

There will be two questions.

Question# 1 (30 marks)... having either 5 questions of 6 marks each
6 questions of 5 marks each.

The questions are:
Ayat ka tarjuma
Ittehad-e-Ummat/ Amar bil Maroof wa Nahi anil Munkar
Hazoor (SAW) ki Madni zindagi/ Seerat-un-Nabi/ Hizb-ul-Fijar kia thi
Haqooq se mota'aliq (Waledain ke)/ bazurgon ka ehtiraam
Ikhlaqiat se Muta'aliq

Now Question# 2 will be a long question (20 marks)
It will either be
Islam ki tehreek rokney ke lie kia iqdamat kie gay? (kuffaar ki marka arayi ka zikar) or
Uswa-e-Mustafa (SAW) i.e. Hazoor (SAW) ba haisyat e Daai-il-Allah/ Dost/ Sipasalaar/ Ibaadat guzaar/ Zahid...

Reference books for Biochem send ups

Reference book: mushtaq medical biochemistry
Chap 2: topics 1 through 6, topic 16
Chap 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Chap 2,3
Chap 6: iron,calcium,phosphorous
Chap 13, 14


Study chap 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,29 nd 30 from lippincott as mam samia taught us proteins from lippincott
• VOLUME 1: properties of enzymes ,mechanism of enzyme reactions, enzyme kinetics can b prepared frm lippincott chap 5 on enzyme. ( it is easy there).
Chap 10 on GIT can b prepared from LAIQ HUSSAIN if u have difficulty in getting it frm mushtaq

Mcqs- 30 marks
L.Qs- 20 marks
P.B.Q-20 marks
S.Q – 20 marks
Int. assessment – 10 marks

* this tym mcqs will b 10 nd remaining 20 marks will b compensated in the subjective.

(Book: Ghulam Ahmad)

Skeletal system (Ch# 3, 10) (Book: Ghulam Ahmad)
Joints (Ch# 6)
Muscles (Ch# 4,5)
CVS (Ch# 7)
Lymphatic system (Ch# 
Nervous system (Ch# 9)
Skin and fascia (Ch# 2)

Physiology syllabus (meant for Guyton)

Basic and Cell physiology (Unit# 1, Ch#4 from unit# 2)
Blood (Unit# 6)
Nerve and muscle (Unit# 2: Ch# 5-8)
CVS (Unit# 3, 4)
Respiratory System (Unit# 7, 
Skin and Body Temperature regulation (Ch# 73)
Fluid and Renal physiology (Unit# 5)

There will be a written paper of total 90 marks + 10 marks for internal assessment= 100 marks

(The 90 marks are justified as:

SEQ's + PBQ= 40 (no. of SEQ's are not confirm)
2 LEQ's= 10+10= 20

The practical paper carries another 100 marks comprising marks for

Practical copy
Major viva (External and Internal)
Minor viva
Performance of practical...
(the marks distribution of the practical exam is not confirmed, for it may have variations this year...)
    compare respiratory and cardiac cycle, difference between SA node and surrounding atrial muscle, compare cardiac and nerve impulse, properties of cardiac muscle
    how vagal stimulation slows heart, cardiac action potential (the diagram with explanation is v. imp)
    what are the effects of hypernatremia/hyperkalemia/hypercalcemia on the heart rate
    rs affecting refractoriness, av nodal delay, conduction distrubances, arrythmias,
    contractility (all or none law)
    cardiac cycle, atrial pressure changes
    heart sounds (for mcqs)
    control of blood vessels, ecg (this was v.imp in our time cuz alot of detail is given in mullah's book)
    cardiac output, stroke volume,
    components of microcirculation, autoregulation of blood flow
    functions of endothelium, circulatory shock
    heart failure, factors affecting coronary circulation
    cardiovascular reflexes

    Important topics for Renal...
    ultrafiltration ,
    conc.of urine ,
    reabsorption ,
    structure of nephron,
    acid base blnce ,
    endocrine func ov kidney,
    anomalies bladder ki atonic neurogenic etc etc.
    metabolic acidosis,
    respiratory acidosis,
    renin angiotensin system,
    plasma clearance,
    neurogenic bladder,
    renal failure,
    artificial kidney
    GFR, tubular secretion,absorption, how to calculate GFR?, renal function tests
    chap 2: henderson-hasselbach equation, gibbs-donnan equilibrium and its applications, ion exchange resins, osmotic pressure, emulsification, surface tension and colloidal state for viva

    chap 3: isomerism, polysaccharides,
    role of carbs, mutarotation, hemiacetal formation, GAGs, chair and boat forms

    chap 4: classification, structure of all amino acids, names of satndard and non-standard amino acids for viva, amphoteric properties, methods to detect and isolate, 3 D structure, functions, conjugated proteins, collagen formation from lippincot

    chap 5: chemical properties, rancidity, compound lipids, cholesterol, arachidonic acid, terpene

    chap 6: (full chap is imp) classification, properties, enzyme kinetics and equations, isoenzymes, factors affecting activity, diagnostic value, diseases, enzyme inhibition, table on page 144

    chap 7-9: shuttles, substrate linked phosphorylation

    chap 10: hcl formation, pancreatic enzymes, bile, digestion and absorption of fats, hormones, regulation of secretion

    chap 14-15: just give a read to know basic info

    vitamins: A,D,C,K,B, diseases related to them

    minerals: fe, ca, zn, se

    chap 13: determination of body fluids comp, water intoxication, all electrolytes

    chap 14: imp for PBQ

    Chap 20 emryology:
    "table 20.6 tak hai
    20.4 aur 20.5 nai hai
    micro macro deletion bhi nai hai shaid
    molecular cytogenetics bhi nai"
    , birth defects ke saath saath Rubella, syphilis, AIDS


  1. Thanku so much ! Allah aap kou achey numbers sey pass keraey! :-)

  2. thanks alot.. !!! we wer luking fr this stuff!!

  3. Thanx a lot!!! :)

  4. thanku so much

  5. Jab paper qareeb aye hen tab ja k dkha h sallaybus./,;.,:D

  6. Atlast! I found u..! :D
    Thnkx budles :)


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